What Kind Of Food To Place In A Bird Feeder
- Written by Auzzi Shopping

Birdfeeders are those helpful things hanging in your backyard where birds can drop by to eat something before they go on with their days. But do you know the kinds of food you can put there that can energize your neighborhood birds? Read more to find out.
What Kind of Food To Place in a Bird Feeder?
Below are some of the most affordable food to restock in your birdfeeders at home. You can buy these in bulk for a more convenient way to have stocks of bird food. Remember to only buy from trusted shops to ensure that the adorable birds flying around town will only eat good food.
Sunflower Seeds
First on our list are sunflower seeds. You can choose whatever kind of seeds you want if they do not have hard shells. Sunflower seeds are the best kind you could give the birds because they smell lovely and are very nutritious. You can also buy safflower seeds because they are almost the same as the sunflower ones.
Next are nuts. You can choose from acorns, peanuts, hickory nuts, almonds, and even pine nuts! Birds love eating these superfoods because of their earthy taste and aroma. They can also return them to their respective nests to feed their offspring. If you have peanuts, you can crush them and put them in the birdfeeder.
If you wish to feed the birds with fresh fruits, you can always give them berries. Blueberries or even strawberries are great for birds to eat. The juice of these fruits will give them water content, so it’s technically a 2-in-1 meal. However, please prepare these fruits and cut them in advance so many birds can feed on them.
There are dead insects you can buy from a local pet store that you can feed to birds or even reptiles. You can put them inside the birdfeeder and watch the birds savor the protein-filled food you have for them. This is not recommended in the long run because it’s costly compared to buying nuts from the supermarket.
Last but not least are biscuits or even cookies. When you do not have the fund for any of the bird food mentioned above, you can crush the biscuits or cookies you have at home and put them inside the birdfeeder. Birds will love it as long as it smells and tastes good.
Having a birdfeeder at home is a responsibility you have vested upon yourself for the birds in the neighborhood. Hence, you must know what food you need to refill your birdfeeders with. This article mentions that you can buy sunflower seeds, nuts, fresh fruits like berries, insects, and even biscuits. You can visit this page to look for birdfeeders at an affordable price.