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Auzzi Shopping enables brands to reach a highly valuable audience actively making their purchasing decisions for their home.
Our audience is passionate about where they live, their lifestyle and their family.
Auzzi Shopping harnesses the influence of accurate content, credible consumer reviews, and reader input to build brand awareness, increase consumer interest, create search engine visibility with a view to driving sales.
Opportunities include annual reviewable product listings in our 24 shopping categories together with special offers, directory, display, sponsored features, sponsored videos and sampling.
We also offer space for content marketing or sponsored content. To find out more, please contact our Advertising Manager, Greg Rogers, on 0498 136 869 or contact @
Auzzi Shopping believes in transparency around advertising and paid content which is listed as News Features.

Disclosure policy

Auzzi Shopping strives to include as many different voices as possible to give readers the most accurate and informed perspective on services, products, tips and lifestyle trends. Our site features consumer generated content in the form of reviews, forum conversations, article comments and guest blogs. Reviews are submitted independently by members of the public and read prior to publication by our editors in order to ensure authenticity. If you see a review you believe is not genuine, please notify our team by emailing including the url of the review.

Our site also features blogs, articles, videos and reviews written by our team of writers from around the World and here in Australia. Writers are employed to give the latest information on household and home products and how to use them.

Advertising and sponsored content

Auzzi Shopping also accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation, which may include attending press trips and launch events to get more information about products and industry trends.

We abide by word of mouth marketing standards and believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, and some of the editorial content written by our editors and displayed on our site. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content unless the customer wishes otherwise.

Reviews and opinion pieces written by editors

While our staff write sponsored and non-sponsored content, they will occasionally write reviews of products they have tried and enjoyed, which will be displayed in the reviews section of our site. These reviews are the honest opinions of the contributors themselves and are not influenced by the brand featured. All reviewers from the Auzzi Shopping editorial team will be clearly identified as employed by Auzzi Shopping.

Even though Auzzi Shopping receives compensation for advertisements and some forms of content, we offer our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service published on our site should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

Trial Teams

Brands supply products to Auzzi Shopping and pay an administration fee for us to distribute these to members of the Trial Team, gather results and publish information based on these trials. Trial Team members are selected independently by Auzzi Shopping based on their loyalty status and profile information. Brands agree to our Trial Team terms on the understanding that both positive and negative reviews will be published, as long as the information is relevant and useful.


Advertisers pay an administration fee to list their brands on Auzzi Shopping and accept that no reviews are edited and that both positive and negative reviews will be published. Auzzi Shopping seeks to facilitate useful conversations between brands and consumers, so occasionally brands will respond to user concerns raised in a review about a particular product. Auzzi Shopping’s terms of service state that brand representatives are invited to take part in conversations about their products, but are required to be transparent about who they are and where they work.

Auzzi Shopping believes in being transparent in disclosing relationships with brand partners and clearly highlighting content that has been sponsored. Having a balance of editorial and paid-for content on our site allows us to deliver the very latest household tips and trends, while publishing a comprehensive, independent directory of genuine consumer reviews.

If you have any questions regarding the information above, please email