Ultimate protein shake guide: How to use protein powder
- Written by News Company

Who is not in favor of providing a maximum advantage to their body and who would not prefer taking good supplements that are extremely beneficial for our body. Regularly, we eat and drink things that have a lot of vitamins, proteins, nutrients, etc. We take all these things because we believe they are good for our health.
There are a lot of alternatives available in the market that does the job of taking proper food. Just like that is the intake of protein shake. If you are a fitness freak or on a strict diet, some way or another you require protein in your diet and with this comes to some high quality protein powder that makes your work easy by not preparing a proper meal but, instead of taking a protein shake.
How protein shake helps your body?
After working out for hours and doing a lot of exercises, there is a breakdown of protein in your body. To overcome the breakdown, protein shake helps as the best protein supplier to your body.
It not only just tastes good but also supports the growth of your muscles. So simply, by increasing the intake of protein in your diet, you help your muscles and body is growing and staying healthy.
Foods that contain protein:
You all enjoy spicy and tasty food, but by enjoying your food you get too much involved in it that you do not bother to prioritize that which food is essential for your body and what advantage can it give and should start taking them in your diet.
Here are some of the foods that are not just amazing in taste but also rich in proteins and for sure, you cannot skip taking them.
1. Eggs
2. Milk
3. Chicken
4. Nuts
5. Beans
6. Meat
7. Quinoa
How much protein is needed every day?
You come across a lot of advertising daily, which shows the importance of protein shake, and they ask you to take around 500 grams of protein daily. However, this is not necessary.
Try to make your diet real, without taking a heavy dose of anything and make sure you always have the right source and quantity before you start using anything.
According to (RDA) Recommended Dietary Allowance, protein holds 0.4g per pound/0.8 per kg of your body weight.
Now considering all the facts that you are in search of how much you should eat depending upon your body type so, here you go:
Active, healthy but want to lose fat:
Set your aim in between 1.8-2.7 kg and make sure to eat less and exercise more.
Being obese:
If you are an obese try for aiming around 1.2-1.5 kg. Do not make your target for achieving a perfect body at once.
Healthy, active and want to build muscles:
If your body is completely fine from every angle, but you wish to build your muscles, then set your aim for 1.4/2.4 kg.
Points to remember while picking a protein powder:
When you are making your way to a supermarket or any other store, you should always remember these points while picking up a protein powder for yourself.
Easily available and cheap protein supplement:
Protein powder contains all the necessary amino acid and rich proteins that are found easily at the stores and are not that costly. Because cost is an important factor. And one must consider this. Always availability is important, so do consider that while buying protein powder.
Serves as a byproduct of milk:
Protein powder is a byproduct of milk and helps your body in the growth of muscles when your body is at rest or when sleeping. Try consuming protein both during day and night to get the best results.
Check the ingredients:
While picking up the protein powder, make sure to check the ingredients mentioned on the packaging and go for the one that has a minimum and no artificial ingredients. Choose the one with more advantages. Because they can play a vital role. Do not avoid this.
Do not ignore the name of the brand:
There come many brands that make promises but fails in fulfilling it. Therefore, when you are making a selection for the protein powder, make sure to choose the right brand. Also, a good brand can provide you with high-quality protein powder. It can help you to improve your body weight. So always consider this.
Choose your flavor:
One of the greatest advantages that in protein powders is that they come in various flavors like, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, etc. This will meet your required taste and satisfaction.
How to use protein powder?
Without being a chef and discussing all the procedure in detail, let us just straight jump into the method of using protein powder.
If you are a new consumer of protein powder, mix it well with water and see how it turns out. In future, if there are such plans by your side in which you are thinking to replace your meals with a protein shake, you need to do these few steps:
Add as many fruits as you can
Try adding a new liquid such as whole milk, juice, almond milk, etc.
Add calories that are healthy for you. As peanuts, butter, almonds, etc.
Also, add seeds like chia or sunflower seeds.
At what time you should consume protein shake?
The measure of protein you expend in a day is a higher priority than the planning of your protein concerning muscle development. Devouring a protein shake previously OR after an exercise will bring about expanded physical execution and muscle hypertrophy if you are preparing the correct way!
If you have to prepare and, at that point, head to work and you cannot eat your protein until some other time in the day, do what works best for you!
A few people may loathe preparing on an unfilled stomach, so expending the protein shake before the exercise is helpful. So you must intake protein shake at the most appropriate time to avoid any complications.
Like other supplements that are beneficial to your body and make you strong, in the same way, protein powder is an important alternative. And there is no harm even if you take a replacement of your meal but, the condition lies that the product should be of a good brand.
Drinking protein shake and making it a part of your diet will help you not just physically but, will also give you strength and a pleasure to your taste buds.