What You Need to Know about CBD Pain Relief Cream
- Written by News Company

With the legalization of CBD by some states in the US, and with the continuous debates about its usefulness, health implications and regulation issues both in the states where it has been legalized and other states of the union, it is important we all get a good understanding of what we are really talking about.
With the same going on in some western European and South American countries, some of which have already legalized the product, it can be said that CBD is the new buzz that has permeated all areas of wellness industry.
Be it coffee shops, spas, beauty companies and yes even in some vegan products, everybody just seems to want a piece of it. From your anxious coworker to your arthritis suffering dad, it seems everyone agrees that it is very efficacious.
However, despite it being the new trend, there’s still so much skepticism and confusion around it with questions being asked as to what it is, how it is to be used, and if it has any side effects? Does it get me high? And is it addictive?
What is The CBD Oil?
While this article here provides some clarification on what CBD oil, we will briefly look at it here. This product is a type of cannabinoid which is a chemical that occurs naturally in cannabis plants. Though it is derived directly from the hemp plant, it is not a psychoactive chemical and thus does not intoxicate or as is normally said get you high.
It is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis. The first being tetrahydrocannabinol commonly known as THC which is the psychoactive ingredient.
The qualities that CBD oil possesses make it a viable option for people searching for any form of relief from aches, pains as well as some other health conditions. Thankfully, you can benefit from the relief it offers without having that “high” feeling that marijuana is widely known for.
Furthermore, it has been widely researched both on animals and humans and has been scientifically proven to be beneficial.
What is CBD Cream?
This is a product that falls under a category generally known as CBD topicals. These cover products that have cannabidiol added as an active ingredient in their composition during production. Other products that fall under this category include:
Creams and Lotions – These are used to moisturize the skin just like any conventional lotions in the market.
Salves – They have a soothing effect on the skin, relieving pains and discomfort associated with rashes, skin burns and other skin inflammations.
Serums and Oils – These have both restorative and moisturizing properties.
These topicals, aside from CBD also contain other natural ingredients that can be seen in the conventional serums, salves and creams.
The name is very self-descriptive. CBD topicals like the Relevium pain relief CBD cream are to be applied on the skin and are not to be ingested orally or used in any other way.
As a further note of caution, you do not apply these products over cuts or bruises in your body. This is to prevent any adverse or unintended consequences.
CBD topicals represent a safe option for users. This is because, when they are applied on the skin, the outer layer on which it has been applied provides a protective shield over the other skin layers protecting it against UV rays, pathogens, as well as harmful chemicals.
The outer part of the skin known as the epidermis can be quite tough and doesn’t allow much through it. For this reason, whatever is applied on it will not easily reach the inner layers of the skin.
Is It True That It Can Relieve Pain?
We have seen from several studies that CBD can indeed help in reducing pain. It does this by impacting the activities of the endocannabinoid receptors, controlling inflammation and interaction with neurotransmitters in the body.
It has also been found to be effective in the treatment of pains associated with multiple skin inflammatory infections or conditions. Below is a list of conditions or injuries that topicals have been shown to be helpful with
Discomfort and pain resulting from injuries or accidents.
Insect stings and bites.
Sore and cramped muscles
Skin rashes and conditions or all kinds.
To further ascertain the efficacy of this product, you can read this article: https://health.usnews.com/wellness/articles/do-topical-cbd-products-work.
There are numerous confirmations by health experts and even by consumers who have made use of and are making use of CBD topicals as to its efficacy. Though some doubts remain, most agree that it works.
One thing that everyone agrees on is that there are numerous varieties of these products around town and without proper regulation, it is difficult to know what products are good quality and those that are not. Your greatest task will therefore be to take some time to find the right product so you can be sure of enjoying the full benefits that they are touted to be able to provide.