The Times Real Estate


Is your food killing you?

  • Written by Tess Sanders Lazarus

According to experts, the food we are buying from supermarket shelves may not be as healthy as we think it is.   In fact, many nutritionists believe the only way to ensure we are getting the right amount of nutrients is to take supplements because many of us are in a chronic state of low-grade inflammation due to the stressful nature of our lives, ie, lack of sleep, unhealthy diets, consuming too much alcohol, stress and worry and general wear and treat on our bodies.   


Dr Vincent Candrawinata (Dr Vincent) is a highly acclaimed clinical nutritionist and food scientist and the world’s foremost expert on phenolic antioxidants, having completed his PhD at the University of Newcastle on the subject.   During his research he undertook a breakthrough process to extract phenolic antioxidants from apples using a natural, water-based process.  Now, the Activated Phenolics Powder is the most potent dietary supplement in the world and it is entirely natural, 100% Australian made and derived from only quality Australian produce.  It promotes vitality, energy and well-being and Dr Vincent says the effect of this can be seen across the body.  Many people refer to Activated Phenolics as ultra antioxidants as they are 12 times more potent than normal antioxidants.


“Growing up you are always told ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, and there is truth in that. The phenolic antioxidants in apples do fantastic things for the human body like protecting us from inflammation and cell mutations,” Dr Vincent said earlier today.


“Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that neutralise or 'mop up' molecules called free radicals that can harm our cells.  


“Damage caused to cells by free radicals is linked to most degenerative diseases such as cancer, pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases.  This is because the free radicals attack a cell’s DNA causing cell mutation.  These mutated cells then replicate causing more and more damage.  The very best sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables.


“The human body manufactures a limited number of its own antioxidants but, in today’s world, we need a lot more than our body can provide.


“Hormones used in meat, the pollution we breath in every day and the heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, finding their way into our foods means that today’s fresh foods are not the same foods as 50 to 60 years ago.   This is a terrifying thought. 


“Not only are we seeing an increase in the pollutions we absorb every day due to lower air quality and exposure to chemicals and toxins in our environment and foods and drinks, we are also experiencing issues with food quality caused by certain food production and preparation processes.  Some of these include foods we eat from countries with poor health standards and the use of pesticides and growth hormones and soil depletion.


“This is why it was so important to me to develop a way of extracting and activating the phenolic antioxidants directly from Australian grown apples so this power-booster of health is available to everyone every day as a real scientifically backed health supplement.  


“For me, my work is about putting science on the shelf and making available something that I know is missing from today’s diet.


“Antioxidants can have an extremely positive effect on your day-to-day life, once your body is taken care of with the booster that the phenolic antioxidants provide you with, you may find other aspects of your health and wellbeing improve too.


“My product range includes Activated Phenolics in powder and tablet form and also a new skin cream.


“I have made taking ultra antioxidants easy.     Essentially, I have taken all of the required antioxidant goodness out of apples and put them into an easy to take product that delivers all of the nutritional health benefits that an apple a day should.


“It is important for everyone to understand that we cannot rely on our modern diets for our daily dose of goodness.   We need to complement our food intake with scientifically real daily supplements to ensure we are taking good care of our body and our health and wellbeing.”

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