The imperatives: what to consider when building your bathroom

The bathroom is a space that like the bedroom and living room requires optimal comfort. The perfect washroom is one that combines cutting-edge amenities and state of the art accessories with a superb floor plan that truly creates the feeling of unbridled space and comfort. Be sure to choose a specialist renovation plumber to ensure your new dream bathroom is as functional as it is beautiful.
With this in mind, there are multiple considerations you have to make when designing your wonderful washroom. You don’t want to end up with a situation in which you overlooked a vital aspect like accessibility just to have the latest gadget installed in the walkway, so let’s take at key considerations when designing this space and why they are imperative to creating the perfect build:
The best bathroom builders Melbourne has will tell you this: you need to prioritise space. This means considering your floor plan and deciding what will go where to ensure that you have optimal accessories and amenities but that you won’t be blocking accessibility.
For example, you might be looking at a massive vanity that whilst super luxe may actually block your ability to move freely around the overall space. If so, it might be important to consider how many people will be using this particular washroom and whether you could halve the vanity’s size for a much more suitable design.
This is a room that requires maximum space to feel comfortable when we’re in a rush for things we wish we weren’t in a rush for - ensure that you can move freely around this room as it will do wonders for your sense of calm.
What do you like about using the washroom? Look, that may sound like a pretty dumb question, but if you’ve never really been one for bathing in the past, why do you suddenly feel like it’s going to be your new relaxation method? You don’t want to go overboard and blow out your budget for amenities you might not use, but you also want to ensure it’s a well-appointed space with exactly what you need for maximum comfort.
This is all about finding a healthy balance: consider to a fine point the kind of things you want in your space and what will compliment getting ready, relaxing, self-pampering etc.
Because everyone needs some level of storage in this space. After all, the very last thing you want is a bathroom littered with half-empty toothpaste tubes (that grimy toothpaste on the vanity - yuck), towels strewn across the floor and makeup bottles all over the counter - it’s an absolute nightmare!
Instead, be sure you accommodate enough storage space for all your essentials, with everything from personal hygiene items to TP and soap refillers taken into account!
Lighting is essential as it can actually make your washroom feel much bigger than it actually may be and this, naturally, is good for feeling in this space. One of the best ways to do this is to allow a degree of natural light in. We’re certainly not saying to have a giant feature window in the shower, but a small window that can allow in light without allowing in the eyes of your neighbours will do wonders for making this room feel far more spacious!
Finally, you have to consider your plumbing connections, as you likely don’t want a bunch of exposed pipes snaking their way around the walls. So, be sure where you place your shower, toilet and taps is somewhere you can also install the plumbing fixtures, as this will ensure you can focus on the beautiful aesthetic design that is the real fun part of bathroom building!