5 Fruits to Eat to Stay Super Healthy

Fruits are the nutrient powerhouse and if one wants to get superior health benefits, fruits would be the best solution. They are enriched with minerals, vitamins, and fiber and antioxidant elements yet so low in calories. All types of fruits are beneficial but some of them are termed as the super fruits. They offer certain ingredients that are varieties are remarkably nourishing, creating them well worth highlighting within a healthy diet.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”- is the most heard line and we all know that Apple is extreme source of nutrition. But we have brought other fruits which are equally essential in providing loads of health benefits as an apple. These nutritious options are as follows.
1. Bananas:
All the health experts suggest taking bunch of fresh bananas a day to lead a healthy life. Banana is an ultimate source of Fiber and this is known to make the digestive system flexible. Bananas are also high in potassium and magnesium and Manganese. Potassium can keep our heart in good condition where manganese generally activates antioxidant elements. One can get 467 gm of magnesium in one banana and daily intake of bananas can make your bones stronger than ever before. The other elements that bunch of bananas provide is copper, vitamin B6 and other necessary amino acids.
2. Lemons:
Lemons are the most nutrient filled super fruit in the world and contain some magic power to heal all types of diseases with its great ingredients. Lemons got the nutrient density score of 18.62 from CDC and ranked top in the healthy fruit list. It is filled with loads of Vitamin C, minerals and fiber. It contains strong antiviral and anti bacterial elements that keep the human body free from many illnesses. It helps in maintaining good digestion system by cleaning the liver and offer weight loss support to many.
3. Oranges:
Oranges are easily available in market and considered to be one of the best citrus fruits ever. If one consumes only one orange a day, he would be benefitted with 150% of vitamin C (as per your daily dose) and 250 mg of potassium. It is also enriched with great quality flavonoids. They are basically anti inflammatory agents and offer strong anti oxidant effects in a human body. Oranges can also lessen the proportion of heart attacks in woman and can help in making blemish free skin tone.
4. Pomegranate:
Pomegranate is not only has delicious flavour but is also beneficial for human health in many ways. One only needs to consume a half cup of pomegranate seeds and he would be proffered with magnesium, fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, E, K and B complex. Though this fruit is quite a bit difficult to consume but the beneficial factors are worth your effort.
5. Berries:
Be it black or blue, doesn’t matter because if you have berries then you have all healthy factors with you. Black berries are tasty and filled with tons of nutrient and even scored 11.39 under CDC rating. It is best known to keep the heart healthy and can stop the aging process. Blueberries are the one who fight against cancer and prevent muscular deterioration and infections in urinary tract.