The Times Real Estate


Questions To Ask Storage Facilities According To West Little Rock Self Storage Units

If you search Google on tips as to what questions to ask a storage facility you are considering, you are going to find countless articles on the subject, written by websites and blogs from the storage facility industry, life-hacking organizations and random people. What makes one more article about that necessary? Well, while you will probably read some good advice most of the time, the tips are pretty difficult to follow and sometimes downright unrealistic.


While you will be able to find information on the basic stuff, such as price, sizes available and facility opening hours, most of what you are really interested in remains a mystery. How do you get your 20+ questions answered without having to perform an exhaustive interview multiple times over the phone and hope to extract the essence? A popular facility, which lets storage units at Little Rock, has a list of revealing and meaningful questions you can ask in a brief phone call that will actually get the job done.


Ask Them How They Prevent Crimes


Security should be the hallmark of every self-storage facility. Before you entrust your belongings to any company, you need to feel at ease about being protected from theft, break-in or assault. You should have complete confidence that you will get back everything you place in their care. Make sure the facility has top-notch security where getting a locksmith to break in will not something that a potential burglar would think about.


Listen for signs about how serious and proactive staff are in terms of security. Surveillance is not enough, make sure you find out how diligently they store the footage and if the security personnel keeps a watchful eye at all times. If you are just given a list of security items they don't care to elaborate on, you can assume that the same goes for the measures they will apply to protecting your property.


Ask Them What Makes Them Better Than The Competition


Instead of asking them to name a special feature they might have, a good question would be why you should choose their facility over the competition. See how enthusiastic they are to win you over in the response you get. No matter who you are speaking with, a good company will have no problem making its employees believe in its key values. And they know you will decide for or against using their services based on factors which go beyond price and proximity.


Let the staff member defend their point of view. Beware of boredom or apathy in their tone of voice as they advertise the special characteristics that set the facility apart from the rest. If you can't hold their attention now, just imagine trying to get it once you've already dropped some cash there!


Ask About Customer Feedback, Not Positive Reviews


Skip questions about positive reviews, ask specifically what customers have to say about them. If you take away their chance to simply nod reassuringly and say, “Of course our reviews are positive!” you are missing the opportunity to ask exactly what people say about the facility. This will make it more difficult to lie, because you catch them unprepared and chances are you will get a more honest answer.


Best advice – listen for what matters to you the most. Pay particular attention to feedback in terms of what would make or break your experience with the company. This is a huge filter for bad options but not one that is immediately obvious. If you run out of ideas about your questions, you can steal some tips from


Ask Them About The Exact Amount You Will Pay


Skip hesitant enquiries about the presence of this or that fee. Just ask them about the exact amount of money you will have to pay at registration and then monthly. Getting a flat number is best. If you know the total you will be charged, comparison to other providers is easier and faster to make.


You should definitely be able to receive a prompt and straight answer to this question. If you meet hesitation or the other person tries to avoid giving you a definite amount, you should beware of hidden fees and charges they are likely to try and sneak up on you. Even if the employee finds it difficult to give you an estimate over the phone due to other things they need to factor in that will apply to your case, they should at least try to oblige and be as helpful as possible.


Ask About Staff Qualities And Characteristics


When you ask about the staff, skip all adjectives that might give them a joker as to what you want to hear in order to get converted. Just enquire about their strong qualities in helping you store and preserve your belongings. As they list the qualities, you would be able to judge about experience, professionalism and personality all at once, by yourself.


This question is likely to catch most employees off guard. But it's the way they respond that will tell you what you need to hear. Surprised as they may be, if they can't give you an answer at all, this should raise a big red flag.