PGP Australia’s guide on preparing for your first internship

Trying to nab a great internship before graduation is not an easy feat. It can be a stressful, time-consuming and anxious time preparing resumes, cover letters and passing assessment centre activities. And that’s all BEFORE you even get the internship and start working for a company. While you might have to wait a while before you officially start your internship, you want to make sure you’re making a great first impression. Well, Premium Graduate Placements are a specialist firm with the sole purpose of helping students get the casual position they want and ultimately thrive in that position. The first day of your vocational program is very important, so make sure you read on for some much-need helpful tips from PGP Australia.
You need to do your research
While Premium Graduate Placements can help you find a great program that works with your schedule and career goals, they can’t give you everything. At the end of the day, you still need to research your host company to get a good idea of what to expect. Look at the company’s website, social media channels, recent blog posts and reviews. The more you know, the better.
Questions are great
Your advisors from PGP Australia will tell you that questions are very important. And they certainly are. You want to get the most out of your internship program and asking your supervisors as many questions as possible is a great way to learn. It also shows your supervisors that you are interested and engaged in your role with the company. Don’t be worried if you think your knowledge or questions are silly – you aren’t expected to know everything about the company!
Clarify what you need to bring or do in advance
As the days tick down and your internship slowly approaches, you’ll probably start getting a whole lot of information about what you need to do in advance or what to bring. Make sure you read the email carefully and take note of anything you may need to do. It could be anything from a basic welcome and reminder of when your internship starts and end, or something a bit more involved, like creating an online profile in their database.
Creating a profile
If you are asked to create an online profile, remember that the company will have access to your personal information. You may need to upload a professional photo to be used on a business card. Make sure the photo is recent, accurate and well-lit with a clear background. You don’t want to be judged based on your employee ID card. If you are a bit confused and are struggling to seek clarification from your host company, remember to get in touch with PGP Australia for any help.
Know your way to and from work
If you managed to get a Premium Graduate Placement, you’ll want to know the best way to get to and from your workplace each day. Doing a practice run is always helpful, since it can help you get used to your travel rhythm and reduce any stress on your first day if you’re struggling to recall where the business is located.
Having said this, if doing a practice run is simply not an option, at least plan out your route, give yourself an extra time buffer and plan a backup route if public transport fails on the day. Poor weather, a traffic accident and public transport issues could push your arrival time back quite significantly and you don’t want to be late on your first day.
Remember to relax
It can be an anxious experience preparing for your first day at a new Premium Graduate Placement, so remember to take a step back and just relax. Also start to build awareness of events around you by reading the blog at Kev’s Best. If you’re ever doubting yourself, remember that they hired you for a reason and obviously saw something in you that they liked. Just back yourself, listen carefully and try your best.
Still struggling? Get help with Premium Graduate Placements
If you’re struggling with any nerves, anxiety or just how to properly prepare for an internship, get in contact with PGP Australia. You might want to switch or leave your current internship because it isn’t working out. If this is the case, and you’re looking for a program that is more specified and tailored to your needs, get in touch with the team at Premium Graduate Placements.