7 Tips for Advertising Your Business With Car Wraps

Purchasing a fleet of vehicles for your business is one of the most expensive investments you can make. Although they can be used for various purposes such as to deliver goods, transport employees from one worksite to another, and provide shuttle services to workers, it will take a while to see some ROI and recoup your outlay.
Helping your employees feel happy and become more productive thanks to their use of the company vehicles, however, is not the only thing that you can do after you purchase the fleet. You could also turn them into outdoor, mobile advertising channels.
When you invest in well-designed car wraps, your vehicles automatically become noticeable and effective marketing tools. They can quickly grab attention, even from afar.
Since the vehicles are mobile and can go anywhere, you will reach a wider audience. Even if they are parked, the people walking by them can see them.
Because of these reasons, a vehicle can become an advertising channel that works 24/7 — one that will help generate leads and sales.
Additionally, car wraps are cost-effective marketing tools. They can last for years. They can also be replaced quickly if you want to change the design for rebranding purposes or any other reason, without leaving any trace on or damage to the vehicle.
Lastly, once a vehicle is covered with vinyl wrap, its paintwork will receive additional protection from chips and minor abrasions.
Transforming Your Vehicles Into Effective Marketing Platforms
To get the most from your vehicles, follow these tips when designing the car wrap and getting them covered:
To come up with eye-catching and useful mobile advertising channels, you have to put some thought into the car wrap’s design. Simply placing your logo, company name, and contact details won’t work at all.
Most providers of vehicle wrapping services have in-house designers that can help you come up with fascinating designs that will help you achieve your advertising goals.
If you want to create the perfect visual statement faster for your vehicles, think about the following factors and communicate them clearly to the design team:
The unique selling point of your business
Images and slogans that represent your brand or offering that you want the wrap to highlight
Elements of your current marketing materials that you wish to include in the wrap
Make sure you already have an official brand style guide, which you have to share with the design team as well. If you don’t have one yet, it would be best to establish one before thinking about investing in car wraps so that all your marketing materials maintain a sense of consistency and formality.
Since vehicle branding is all about drawing people’s attention, you have to use all available elements to achieve this goal. These include making the most of colour.
If you want your vehicles to stand out, take advantage of contrasting colours. Use a bright shade for the background and dark ones for the lettering or vice versa.
By finding the right complementary or contrasting colours, you will enable people to notice your vehicles farther off and give them more time to view your message.
When choosing your colour scheme, make sure they still fall in line with your brand style.
Additionally, select the hues that support your message and tone and do not contradict them.
To make your car wraps truly effective and attention-grabbing, go big.
Opt for large fonts, big images, and immense logos. By doing so, you ensure that people will easily read your messages and see your logo even from a distance. This will create more of an impact as well.
All of these will facilitate faster brand recall and recognition.
Even if your vehicles are small, they will benefit from large elements. However, make sure the big components look great on the whole design and do not seem hastily put together or jumbled.
Less is always more in the world of advertising, whether it is done online or offline. As such, limit the words or messages you will put in the car wrap design.
This means that you cannot and should not put all the products or services you offer on the design. Adding your complete office address (when it is long) and company vision-mission is out as well.
Your company motto or slogan should be included in the design. If you want people to know about your products or services, limit them to the three primary or most important ones you offer.
Don’t forget to add your website or a social media page in the design, though. Add a short message to invite the people who see your wrap to visit these sites to know more about your business and offerings.
No matter how short your message on the vehicle wrap design may be, ensure that people can read them easily.
Choosing contrasting colours between your text and background will render the messages readable. Making the font sizes larger will do the same as well.
However, make sure your typography is legible, too. If your official font style is sometimes hard to decipher, select another one from the same family that is more readable.
Pictures and graphics are elements that won’t fail to catch the eye of any onlooker. If you can include a high-resolution, clear image in the design, do so.
Keep in mind that if a picture or illustration can draw the attention of the people, they will more likely read the rest of your message. Because of this, it is worthwhile to look for a strong image or have a fascinating graphic designed and added to the vehicle wrap.
Choose an image that expresses what your business is all about, or that is related to it. Otherwise, the car wrap will give out a mixed message that could confuse and turn off your potential customers.
Lastly, as already mentioned, less is more in nearly all types of marketing materials. As such, avoid overcrowding and overcomplicating your car wrap design.
Aside from limiting the text, think carefully about using too many colours and different types of fonts in combination. Choose an image or graphic that is not too complex as well.
Although you want the overall design to capture the interest of the public, you still need to get your message across to the people quickly. A complicated, jumbled, and messy layout won’t help you with this.
If you want your wrapped vehicles to be the perfect advertisement platforms and help you regain your investment in your fleet, plan your design well. Don’t hesitate to work with experts if you want to have an effective and standout car wrap layout.
Brian Dwyer is the Director and owner of Colour Source Signwriters, a graphic production business specializing in various vehicle wraps, fleet signs and building signs. The company has been producing professional signage that captures the attention and matches the vision of delighted clients all over Australia since 1990.