7 Ways Employers Can Help Their Employees Grow and Progress

People hate stagnation, regardless of the area of their life. We all like to grow, learn and experience new things. While some prefer a more practical approach, others opt for theoretical knowledge. All of this applies when it comes to our careers as well.
When looking for employment, most people want a position that will allow them to expand their knowledge, climb the career ladder and improve as a person as well. These factors often play a crucial role in deciding whether they will take a job or not, especially now when the millennial generation has placed a priority on job satisfaction.
For those that are in a managerial position or are charged with running a company, there are things that you have to keep in mind if you want to retain your employees. Here are some of the ways how you can help your workforce grow and progress and make them happy, loyal and motivated at the same time.
Provide them with feedback
While this might sound simple, it is one of the pillars of having satisfied employees. Everybody likes to know how they are performing and whether they are meeting your expectations. That is why you should regularly provide your staff with feedback. Make it as detailed as possible and give them specifics about what they are excelling at and in which fields they could improve. By letting them know where to put in more effort, you will help them be more productive.
Give them encouragement
In addition to being aware of their performance, people like to be appreciated and acknowledged. For this reason, you should congratulate your employees on a job well done. Knowing that what they are doing is having an impact on the company as a whole will serve as great encouragement for them to keep up with the good work. On the other hand, if you notice them struggling, look for ways how you can help boost their productivity – listening and showing support will definitely reassure and stimulate them.
Respect their opinion
Creating a work environment that is open and allows communication is vital. Your employees will probably have suggestions on how you can do certain things and proposals on how you can improve some aspects of the company. If they feel confident enough to approach you with an idea, you must listen. Even if it’s not something that can be implemented, take it into consideration and later on explain why it is not possible. Furthermore, if you conduct various surveys and polls around the office, respect their opinion and make them feel heard.
Help educate them further
As we said earlier, people love to expand their knowledge and especially so if it helps them progress in their career. While you can always encourage your employees to seek new experiences on their own, you can also contribute to this cause and provide them with some extra training or classes that will help them be better at their job. Regardless of the industry you’re in, you can find numerous online courses that your workers can take. For instance, if you wish to have an in-house accountant that will handle the day-to-day bookkeeping duties, one of your employees can get enrolled in a certified accounting course. Allow your HR staff to gain more management and authentic leadership skills and they’ll help you hire new amazing workers. Send your IT experts to various seminars and conferences where they can keep up with the latest developments in their field. Plus, when you invest in your employees, they are more likely to stay with you in the long run.
Put promotion on the table
Investing in your employees’ education means that you want them to work with you for a long time. They are also aware of this and expect to be promoted at a certain point. Of course, you cannot promote everyone, especially if you’re running a small business. However, you should give them the opportunity to prove themselves and potentially climb the career ladder. With a promotion, they usually expect other perks, such as a higher salary and more flexibility. Carefully consider what your company is capable of before you start handing out promotions.
Offer them lateral moves
While most people strive for a promotion, a lateral move is also something that can be quite useful for a worker. Doing this allows them to experience new things and broaden their horizons. This also means that they will not be stuck in a rut and who knows – they may even discover their true calling! Trying out several different jobs within the company will result in them developing new skills and being able to fill in for someone if necessary.
Introduce various benefits
Not all people are looking for a new position. Something else you can provide them with is various benefits. For instance, allow them more flexible work hours or to work from home. Some people work better at night, so, as long as they finish all their tasks on time and correctly, you should have no problem with their schedule. If they complete all assignments before the end of their shift, consider letting them go home early. There are so many other perks you can consider, such as offering childcare or allowing them to bring their "best friend" to work. Furthermore, ask around to see what type of office they prefer. Maybe they’d rather have cubicles instead of an open-plan office, so it is important to gauge your employees' opinions and take them into account (as previously mentioned).
These seven tips are sure to make your staff feel heard and appreciated. Give them the space and means to grow, throw in some benefits and they will stay with you in the long term.