Pros and Cons of Lip Enhancement

British scientists have proven that a women’s most attractive feature of her face is the lips. Most men do not look at the woman’s eyes or legs, as commonly believed, but they get attracted by her lips. But not everyone has a plump and full lip. With the rising need for having a perfect pout, most girls are looking for solutions to make their thin lips look more fuller. Thanks to the advancement in medical science now it's possible to plump up one’s lips through injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips. This modern method is rapidly gaining popularity due to its many advantages.
What is the Essence of the Method?
Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of every organism. It is required for the binding of water molecules, but over time its production is reduced, as a result of which the skin is dehydrated and aging. Acid, introduced from the outside, contributes to the concentration of moisture in the tissues, the skin becomes smoother, wrinkles are smoothed out.
Those who want to enlarge their lips in this way should come to the cosmetology clinic and tell the doctor about their problems. The specialist will be interested in the presence of contraindications, if there are none, the patient is given local anesthesia, most often with the help of painkillers.
Then the aesthetician administers the lip injections into the patient's skin under the lips. Lastly, with the help of a small massage, the cosmetologist gives the lips the desired shape.
The Advantages of Lip Enhancement
There are many advantages of this aesthetic treatment but the three main ones are the following:
A more hydrated and revitalized area is obtained with the lip filling using hyaluronic acid. This is due to the properties that this substance has, as it offers us and allows the treated area to have a better appearance and also a better texture. With this filling, the lips will look softer and more youthful.
The second main advantage is the ability to have better profiling and natural lip augmentation without becoming excessive. Normally when other substances are used to make a lip filling, the results obtained are usually not the most natural. This does not happen with hyaluronic acid and it is that with it you get lips with more volume but without becoming exaggerated or unnatural.
Finally, we must highlight the possibility of eliminating crooked corners with the hyaluronic acid lip filling. Being able to eliminate the crooked corners that occur around the lips improves the appearance, not only of this area but of the face in general. Lips with more volume, more projected, soft, hydrated and without lines or wrinkles around them without hesitation are much more attractive.
The main advantage of the hyaluronic acid lip filling procedure is that its pain-free. For example, you should keep in mind that the hyaluronic acid lip filling is done using very thin microcannulas. This causes the procedure to be performed without pain, which is obviously an indisputable advantage and is also something that any patient would like.
Similarly, the use of these thin needles allows the filling to occur quickly and without bruising after the procedure.
We cannot fail to mention as an advantage the non-use of anesthesia to perform the procedure, which is also very much appreciated by many people since it minimizes all kinds of risks that it can entail. Go through a complete lip enhancement guide.
With many benefits associated with injecting lips with hyaluronic acid make this technique popular among women.
One of the main advantages of the method is that the patient gets the opportunity to find out if she has a new image. After about six months the drug is expelled from the body, and then you can assess whether you should get the treatment done again.
Lip injections enhance the lips to make it look naturally beautiful. The patient does not risk becoming the subject of ridicule of others. Moreover, women of any age can get lip injections to enhance her lips. Such lip augmentation has another significant advantage - injections of hyaluronic acid contribute to the rejuvenation of the whole body.
The Disadvantages of Lip Enhancement
Among the disadvantages of the method is the short duration of the drug. Patients will have to repeat the procedure every six months. Meanwhile, the cost of each session is quite high, it mainly depends on the drug used and its amount. It must be remembered that there are several contraindications, in particular, herpes, skin diseases, and some others.
Swelling or redness may occur after the treatment. It is best to cool them with compression or an appropriate ointment. In a few cases, bruising may appear for a short time. On the day of treatment, you should take care of yourself, refrain from physically demanding activities and do not consume alcohol. After spraying your lips, you should protect your face from UV rays for a few days. To avoid infection, it is best to wait until the final examination before you apply the beautiful red lipstick to your new, full lips.
Lip augmentation is only a small, uncomplicated routine procedure for plastic surgeons, but the treatment is not completely risk-free. There may be minor pain and swelling. The patient may be allergic to the filler. However, the use of permanent fillers increases the risk of allergic reactions.
Cost of the Lip Augmentation?
The cost of lip augmentation cannot be called a flat rate. Prices start from 250 euros and range up to 1,000 euros. The costs consist of the consultation, the preliminary examination, the procedure itself, the desired filling material and the medical aftercare. Since it is a purely aesthetic treatment, the health insurance company naturally does not assume any costs.
Hyaluronic acid lip filling treatment is one of the best that can be performed today when you want to intervene in this delicate and important region of the face.
Beautiful, full lips and a sensual kissing mouth are the beauty ideals that many women, in particular, strive for. The great new lipstick is even more effective on full lips. There are some creams, tips, and tricks on how to make the lips appear more voluminous, but these often do not produce the desired result.
Types of Fillers
There are two methods to get your lips fuller. On the one hand, there is the operative and the minimally invasive treatment, but an operative lip augmentation is rather rare. That is why today we are going to introduce you to the minimally invasive lip augmentation and explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different fillers.
If you decide to have your fat injection, the surgeon must first take it from a suitable place. After removal, he prepares the fat and then injects it into your lips using a fine needle. The positive thing about lip injection with autologous fat is that you don’t have to worry about an allergic reaction because the filler comes from your own body. Also, part of the volume may remain permanently, but there is no guarantee. A disadvantage of the method with autologous fat is that it is not as easy to dose as hyaluronic acid. Another disadvantage is that oil cysts can form and the tissue can also shift, which changes the shape and surface of the lip.
Hyaluronic acid is also a substance that naturally occurs in our bodies. However, the doctor uses a biotechnologically manufactured preparation for lip injections. Nevertheless, allergic reactions are also very rare here, since hyaluronic is not a foreign body for your organism. The specialist carefully injects the filler into your lips and can model it according to your wishes. The hyaluronic acid does not last forever but is gradually broken down. Allergies usually only occur on the additional product, such as the anesthetic.
When Do I See the Result and How Long Does it Last?
You can see the result immediately after the procedure. There may be swelling or redness, which will disappear after a short time and you can finally admire your new, full lips. Depending on the filler, this result lasts between six months and a year and can be repeated as often as required.
Can I Undo Lip Augmentation?
The result does not last permanently and after a certain time, your lips return to their original volume. However, if you have been injected with too much filling or the treatment has been carried out imprecisely, there is a possibility of a correction. The plastic surgeon will inject you with a hyaluronidase syringe. This body’s enzyme breaks down hyaluronic acid and the lips return to their natural shape. This treatment is painless and is only used if you are not allergic to bee stings, as this active ingredient is also contained in bee venom.
Getting the lip enhancement procedure done should be a person’s personal choice. One shouldn’t come into societal pressures to get the procedure done. It's best to weigh the pros and cons of the lip enhancement procedure and then decide whether you want to go for it. However, it should be noted as an advantage that the inflammation that occurs on the lips after the treatment is minimal and with the passing of the days it decreases completely, showing excellent natural results. No matter what you decide just be careful and consult your aesthetician first before getting the procedure done.