Choosing the Right Trampoline for Your Family

There’s no doubt that trampolines represent a good time, whether you’re young or old. The added benefit of trampolines, though, is that they also represent a great way to exercise! These two factors alone make trampolines a great option for a family, as its something that everyone can enjoy at some stage. But even if you’re open to the idea of buying a trampoline for your family, where should you start? There are a lot of options out there and every family’s needs are different, so making the right decision can be hard for some. In this article, we take a look at what should be going into your trampoline purchase process to help give you a better idea of what to look for.
Trampoline tips to get you started
Although it might be tempting to go out and find any kind of cheap trampolines, doing so might actually end up costing you more than you thought. Perhaps the most obvious thing to consider first is your budget – not all family have a large amount of cash to spend on a trampoline, but there are enough trampolines on the market today that any budget can be out towards something great. If you’re wanting to spend a small amount, starting small with your trampoline is a good idea. Smaller trampolines can offer the same safety benefits of larger models, and it’s also a better option for families new to trampolines to start small and upgrade later if they find they’re regularly using and enjoying it. Generally, rectangular trampolines are the most expensive, while in-ground trampolines usually cost comparatively less (although there are installation costs to consider here). Rectangular trampolines generally cost more due to the thicker frame tubing and metal frame required for additional strength due to the shape, so it’s not necessarily due to them being outright better than round trampolines.
Factoring in your outdoor space
Although you might think that you need a giant backyard for a trampoline, this is not necessarily the case at all – you just have to adjust your perception of trampolines! Small trampolines are ideal for younger children and are much easier to store should you need to do so (as their diameter can be under 1.5 metres). If you have a slightly bigger space, you can start looking into trampolines designed specifically for two children, but in this case your choice may depend quite a lot on the age of your children. After all, the weight management of a trampoline will differ wildly for two toddlers or two teenagers! You might also want to factor in your purchase to consider your children growing up – rather than just buy a tiny trampoline for them to use in the next few months, getting a mid-sized trampoline to ensure they can use it for at least for a few years into the future.
Choosing the right trampoline for you
With a high-quality trampoline lasting up to 15 years, making the right decision when purchasing a trampoline can help you save a good bit of money in the long run. Make sure to work out not just your current needs, but your potential needs in the future – this was you can future-proof your trampoline and have your family enjoying it for years!