What do They Ask You In A Citizenship Interview?

Facing an interview during the citizenship process in Australia is a common and compulsory stage. Once your citizenship application gets approved by the authority, it's time for you to get prepared for interview sessions.
You need two basic things for a successful interview: the first is all the required docs; the second is understanding basic queries and preparation for them. Good preparation will make you confident and will make it easier in your journey of the citizenship process.
This article will shed light on the citizenship interview, especially on the questions you might be asked. Plus, you will know about the duties and responsibilities of an individual as an Australian citizen.
Importance of Citizenship Interview of Australia
Receiving Australian citizenship is not hard. It is much simpler when you follow the right resource books. However, it has periodical stages that you need to pass well. And attending the interview session is one of them.
Generally, the interview session is conducted at the Australian department bureau. And the department of citizenship and Immigration service will help any individual receive all the formalities of the citizenship process.
The interviews generally are taken at the Immigration office. However, the question asked at Australian citizenship interviews might be tough sometimes. The most significant part is that without meeting the interview requirements, you can not sit for the citizenship test.
A Primary Idea About Interview Questions
Like any other examination in your life, where you got well-prepared for an examination, you should also understand the queries or questions that might be asked in a citizenship interview. Don't neglect this part.
And don't think your supporting docs are enough to get you citizenship unless the authority is satisfied with your presentation process.
- Solve Mock Questions: Start your preparation by solving mock questions. CitizenshipAustralian has a good resource to help you there.
- Personal and General Queries: You will encounter queries about your family background. Tell the officers about your personal details, like where you worked, etc. An important part of the interview is about inquiry about your marital status. This is crucial because you might try the same for your family members once you get your citizenship approval.
- Technical Questions: There will be a bunch of specialized questions. The officers might check the purity of your eagerness about Australia. They can ask you the duties of an Australian citizen or what made Australia more livable. Try to get some idea about Australia's last 200 years of history. Also, get some understanding of their culture and national characteristics.
In short, the authority will cross-check your identity, and you are eligible for the next step, which is the citizenship test.
Citizenship Interview in Short
Purpose: Verification of all the documents that are required for the citizenship test
Interview Duration: 15-20 minutes
Method: In-person
What You Need to Carry During Attending Interview
You will have to bring necessary papers while attending the citizenship interview. These are must-to-bring docs. Otherwise, the responsible officers at the citizenship center will not surely welcome you, and the process will get delayed. These documents will help to prove your eligibility.
- You need to bring at least three supporting documents that collectively can prove your photograph, signature, current residential address, birth name, birth date, and gender. However, some of the primary documents are required as Passport, Birth certificate, NationalIdentity Card, and Passport size photograph.
- The photos need to be duly signed and certified by a person who has known the applicant for at least two years.
- Proof of your current country of citizenship. You can use the national identity card in this case.
- Verification of name change, if you have taken another name.
- Evidence of your first arrival to Australia. You might not need additional papers, as your passport has all the required information about visa and immigration approval.
- Electricity Bills
- You can bring your Australian Driver's License as proof of your current residential address. Or a Utility bill or a bank statement.
- Identity declaration form, which is referred to as form 1195
- Printout of your citizenship appointment email. It will be required to generate the ticket for interview serials. You can show an electronic copy of the email from your phone also.
Bring the originals of all documents asked in your application. Certified copies are not accepted. Besides these, there might be some additional docs you would be asked to show. However, show them to the officers if you don't have the paper docs, except the electronic copies. An example of this can be an electric bill.
Basic Requirements to Be an Australian Citizen
Below is a simple list of the qualifications you need to be qualified for the citizenship application.
- You are already an Australian permanent resident.
- Your age is over 16.
- You have lived in Australia for at least a total duration of four years, including 12 months as a permanent resident.
- You are of good character without police records.
- You have an understanding of your responsibilities and privileges as an Australian citizen.
Responsibilities of Citizens in Australia
As an Australian citizen, you must observe some practices:
- Always obey the laws of Australia
- If the need arises, defend Australia.
- Serve on jury duty if you are called to do so.
- Don't neglect to vote in Australia's elections, including federal and state elections and a referendum.
Passing the Citizenship Interview will Prove You Have
- Fundamental knowledge of the English language
- You understand what it means to become an Australian citizen
- Good knowledge about Australia
- Fair knowledge of responsibilities and privileges of citizenship
- Understanding and loyalty to Australian values based on equality, freedom, and respect.
Final Thoughts
The citizenship interview is a part of the whole process. The process simply aims to verify the documents. Hence, the procedure is straightforward, prepare all the required documents as per Australian citizenship rules. Then, face the interviews well-prepared.
It’s recommended to check the government website if there are changes in the process.