Why Custom Diamond Engagement Rings Are Worth It

So you’ve done it. You’ve popped the question. It’s going to last forever, (or so we all hope) but what do we do now? Well, you could get your beautiful significant other a diamond ring from a normal jeweller and call it at that.
Or, you could create something custom and entirely different - something as unique as the love that you both share: A custom diamond engagement ring.
Let’s look at some reasons why a custom diamond engagement ring is absolutely worth it.
The Significance of Marriage
Some engagement rings look incredible - the craftsmanship involved is usually always out of this world, and when working with diamonds you know that there is absolutely nothing to take lightheartedly.
For thousands of years, marriage has signified an eternal bond between two souls, with practically all religions having their own set of ideals when it comes to getting a ring around your finger.
As long as marriage and weddings have been around, we’ve always used rings to show our devotion, so why not create something special? Your partner is going to wear the ring for the rest of their life.
Personalisation Is Everything
If this is going to be on your hand for the rest of your life, you’d better like it. Sometimes after decades of marriage, people have second thoughts about what they had decided to lock themselves into, (and we’re not just talking about the ring here, obviously).
Some people will get married young, and a lot of the time they do not have the experience necessary to make a lifelong decision and end up just choosing a ring because it simply was just the best one that they managed to find.
To make a marriage even more powerful, simply having the ring custom-made shows that you have a sense of commitment in making the love yours.
The Everlasting Uniqueness
Choosing a ring out of a pre-made selection from a jeweller just does not compare to having something customised. What do I mean by custom? It can mean anything from engravings, your own choice of gem, a unique metal, a newly imagined shape - the list goes on and on.
This can be a great conversation starter too. If your ring looks absolutely like something you would not be able to find at your typical jeweller, then expect to be asked a hundred and one questions like:
- “Where is that from?”
- “How did you manage to get that?”
- “Did that cost an arm and a leg?”
Marriage has and always will be a lifelong commitment signified by a ring on one’s finger. Each and every marriage is unique, and with that in mind, you would like to have a ring as unique as your own marriage.
Custom made engagement rings are able to show the dedication that you both have to keep your love unique. A custom ring also shows that you went that extra mile to have your partner truly satisfied with what they are going to have on their finger for the rest of their lives.