The Times Real Estate


Teeth whitening: why it might be your time to shine

Has adulthood taken its toll on your dentures? Has that daily morning multiple coffees stained your dental situation? Have the ciggies saturated your teeth in an unhealthy yellow glow? If you’re here and have answered “yes” to any of these questions, it is highly likely that you’re considering getting back your shine!

There are many reasons why people undergo this particular treatment that go beyond that of simply whitening one’s oral aesthetic, as it can have many continual benefits that go beyond simply whitening the teeth.

Let’s take a look at some of those reasons below:

  1. Well, yes, brighter teeth is the main reason

Obviously! After all, the treatment is called “teeth whitening” for a very good reason: it alleviates that discolouration and those yucky stains that come with age and lifestyle choices. Yes, you may enjoy coffee that little bit too much (like most of us!), or you’re a wine connoisseur whose speciality is causing special problems for your oral hygiene, or maybe it is the opposite, and your love for healthy fruits like blueberries and pomegranates is having an unwanted effect on your dental aesthetic.

Whatever the reasons behind your discolouration, this solution was invented for the specific reason of alleviating some of their unwanted effects. If you find that you are unhappy with your dental situation and it is discoloration that is doing it, then perhaps this treatment is absolutely perfect for you!

  1. It can help with self-esteem

Many people suffer from lower self-esteem as a result of discolouration. This can be really unpleasant, especially as the person may shy away from smiling in public or just feel generally downtrodden about their aesthetic. For people whose self-esteem suffers as a result of discolouration, this treatment could potentially help them to feel more comfortable and confident with their smile.

  1. It can help the recipient continue with healthy living practices

As the recipient may undergo this treatment to reverse the effects of lifestyle choices like drinking and smoking, it can actually help them ward off overindulging in the future. After all, why would one undergo this treatment to reverse such effects only then to gleefully return to them with the knowledge that they will simply cause the same problems again?

This simply doesn’t make any sense, and so we know that if we were to undergo this treatment then we would be shying away from overindulging in the future, making this a great way to potentially help our health in the future, too!

  1. Your teeth are ageing

It’s not only lifestyle factors that influence our dental aesthetic - unfortunately it’s age, too. Yes, as we age our dentures can become discoloured just as if we spent a lifetime on the wines and ciggies, but this treatment can reverse the aesthetic effect that ageing has on our oral aesthetic, providing it with a new, bright shine even as we age.

  1. It could kickstart your journey towards oral hygiene

People who invest money in their smile will likely look after their oral hygiene more than those who just let it run its course. Therefore, this may kickstart your journey towards a life of oral care, ensuring you brush twice daily, floss regularly and simply do the things that your dental health needs to remain bright and thriving in the future!

So, if you’re experiencing any of these above-listed reasons, then it might be time you considered this awesome treatment to reinvigorate your smile!