How to pack smart for your travel abroad
- Written by News Company

Overseas travel is not something that most people are able to do often. For many, it is a once in lifetime trip or a once a decade culmination to years of saving. In short, it is a big thing and something that people look forward to for ages and for which they plan in detail. Flights, accommodation, and itineraries are critical, and a lot of time and effort goes into ensuring that all the details are covered and that there is nothing left to chance. One thing that often doesn’t get the attention that it deserves is packing, and, sadly, if this is done wrong the trip can end up a disaster. With this in mind, here are a few tips to help make sure that you cover all your bases.
Plan for all weather
Remember that the guide books always want to paint the best picture of the place you are going. If it is a beach resort that you are heading to, they won’t mention storms or rain. If it is a ski trip, then a lack of snow is not going to be mentioned in the brochures. New York is a hugely popular tourist destination but very little is said about the stifling humidity. So, think a little bit about yourself. In this regard a stylish Drizabone coat or a similar all-weather type of garment is essential to pack. Versatility is the watchword and you need to make sure that you have a multi-purpose garment that can work well in multiple situations or climates.
Walking shoes
Shoes that are comfortable are important. Anticipate that you will be walking and walking plenty. Slops don’t work for this, either do heels or smart work shoes. You need to make sure that you trusted, old-favourites are packed. A new pair of shoes is no good because they will give you blisters. So, if you don’t feel like you have the appropriate footwear, make sure that you buy something well in advance of departure and that you wear them properly.
There are plenty of areas where you can pack light, but underwear is not one of those. If possible, try to take a pair for every day that you will be away. And then take a few extras as well. The last thing that you want to be doing when on holiday is washing clothes. And while pants or shirts can be worn a few times, the last thing that you want to do is wear the same knickers on consecutive days. If you are going to be in one place for a few days, then you can always wash some clothes in the bath or shower, but this isn’t ideal – it is easier to simply take a clean pair from your bag and get on with having fun.
You might not be a regular hat wearer, but a hat is something that you should always take on holiday. And be smart. If you are heading to a place where it is going to be hot, then make sure you take something that will keep the sun off your face and head. If you are heading to the cold, then pack a beanie. Do the research and know what to expect, and then buy the appropriate garment before you leave. Shopping at the airport or a traveller destination once abroad is only going to cost you unnecessary money.