How to keep track of your baby's health
- Written by News Company

You are committed to ensuring that your baby spends his childhood in the best possible health conditions. We attach great importance to this too. You need a certain number of medical visits at important stages in your child's life. These visits are not only to assess your child's state of health but also to screen for possible disorders, prevent problems. Baby health is a sensitive matter, and these visits also help you according to your problem.
A general practitioner or pediatrician for monitoring my baby's health?
Each has its advantages:
Your general practitioner knows you and your family. He can see the whole situation and speak to you as a mother – he is close to you.
The pediatrician, a doctor, specializing in children and adolescents, has a more in-depth knowledge of pathologies. He will be more aware of the latest treatments for somewhat complex pathologies.
You can consult these two doctors can be consulted either in private practice or in a public or private hospital consultation. You can also contact the consultation in your neighborhood. They will take the time to listen to you and give you personalized advice. The childcare worker will visit you at home if you have problems that you prefer to discuss with her more intimately.
The big dates to respect and the mandatory baby exams.
The child's health examinations are compulsory and for a health certificate.
The first 8 days (with health certificate), then 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 9 months (with health certificate), 12 months, 16 months, 20 months, 24 months, 30 months (with health certificate), 36 months, 42 months, 48 months, 54 months, 60 months, 66 months, 72 months.
All this makes it possible to consider all your child's problems and offer you suitable solutions.
Tracking your baby’s growth is also essential. Remember to take the child's Health Book with each medical visit. Carry your Baby Logbook when you meet the child nurse.
Your baby's immature immune system makes him more fragile than older children and adults. It is prone to mild illnesses, such as bronchitis, colds and gastroenteritis. You need to consult a health professional quickly outside of compulsory visits if your baby is sick.
How to keep track of my baby’s health problems?
Some health conditions require immediate medical attention of a doctor or pediatrician, while others may wait a day or two.
See your doctor or pediatrician immediately if your child:
Has diarrhea for more than 12 hours
Has a foreign object in the nose, ear, mouth or vagina. Never try to remove an object yourself
Has a burn bigger than your thumb especially if the skin is covered with blisters (this includes sunburn)
Has a fever. Always consult your doctor in the event of very high temperature (rectal temperature above 38°c if your baby is less than three months old. You act at more than 38.5°c if he is more than three months old) that lasts for more than two days.
Has other worrisome symptoms such as incessant crying, the appearance of red patches, unusual pimples on the skin with fever.
Has been vomiting for 12 hours or more or has other associated symptoms, such as fever or redness.
Cries incessantly. As a parent, you know your baby's crying better than anyone. If he cries more than usual or his crying seems abnormal, see your doctor without delay.
Has regurgitation or blood-streaked stools. It is important to consult your doctor immediately. It is not necessarily serious but better to have his opinion.
Has a dry cough and breathe loudly – It can be bronchiolitis or laryngitis.
Has one or more symptoms of dehydration – they include sunken fontanelles (soft areas on their head), dry lips, less than six wet diapers a day with very odorous dark yellow urine, very dark eyes and tired look.
Have one or more symptoms of meningitis. It includes the pressed fontanelles (the soft areas on the head of your baby), abnormal drowsiness or a lack of reaction, a lack of tone, red spots which do not disappear when you press a glass above, an inability to bear bright lights and a stiff neck.
Make an appointment with your doctor if your child has any of the following symptoms for 24 hours or more:
He is particularly irritable cranky and moody for no apparent reason.
He has reddened wet or sticky eyes. This may indicate an eye infection, such as conjunctivitis. This condition is very contagious and requires immediate treatment.
It has ears, eyes, navel, penis or vagina that ooze.
He loses his appetite and skips more than two feedings or meals.
What are the absolute emergencies for a child?
If your baby seems to need immediate medical attention (for example, if he has a lot of trouble breathing), do not hesitate to call the emergency medical services.
Immediately call for help if your child:
Is unconscious or without tone.
Has trouble breathing or is breathing abnormally fast, especially if your skin and lips start to turn blue.
Has a convulsion for the first time. For more than a minute, he lost consciousness, his eyes rolled back, and all his limbs contracted suddenly. Convulsions are, in most cases, a result of fever.
Do not feel well after swallowing a toxic or harmful substance, such as medicines for adults (do not forget to take the box or the bottle with you to the hospital).
Go to the emergency room if your baby:
Has a cut that is bleeding profusely or that is particularly deep and requires stitches. To stop bleeding, it is advisable to press the cut with a clean cloth and try to elevate the affected area.
Has had a significant fall and suffers from a limb (arm, ankle, leg...).
Has a big bump on his head.
Has swallowed or eats a potentially toxic or harmful product but seems to be fine.
Babies are quite sensitive, and they can get ill every now and then if not taken care with proper precautions. Therefore, we have provided different ways that will help you to keep track of your baby’s health.