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What is the right amount of nutrition in your diet?

  • Written by News Company

When calorie is consumed, excess energy expended is processed by the body into fat and stored in subcutaneous fat. For this reason, people are overweight and obese. Take for the preparation of the daily human diet tables developed by professional nutritionists indicating the content of foods in kilocalories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Consider absolutely all the components of the dishes that you eat every day - frying oil, sugar in tea, every candy. And you will be happy.

Scientists have proved that it is necessary to include in the diet another the fourth macronutrient, important for the body - fiber. It acts as a dispenser of vitamins and nutrients, allows useful components from food to be absorbed in the thin section of the gastrointestinal tract.

To maintain normal body weight and provide the body with the necessary BJU, make up a diet of half the norm of the necessary carbohydrate food, one-third of foods containing protein and a small amount of fat. To reduce weight, it is necessary to shift towards lowering the intake of carbohydrates and fats, in favor of increasing the amount of protein food consumed.

Carbohydrates provide energy to the body, proteins provide a building base for building muscles, fats are necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system, support the state of the dermis, hair, and nails. The daily norm of food for an adult should be calculated not only by calorie content, but also by the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

For normal life, for every kilogram of bodyweight it is necessary:

  • Proteins - at least 1-1.5 g

  • Fats - not less than 0.7 g

  • Carbohydrates - at least 1.7 g

Energy balance and calorie tables

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats, when ingested with food, are processed into the substances that make up every cell. It is scientifically established that to simply maintain life without physical activity, a person needs at least 1200-1500 calories. This cost is only to provide breathing, sleep, heartbeat. You cannot reduce the calorie intake of the daily diet below the limit of this figure for a long time. We recommend considering the Australia's first choice for nutritional supplements.

The main products from which the correct daily human diet should be compiled are in the table below. Take them as a basis for cooking for each meal. Prefer baking and boiling to reduce the amount of fat consumed. The total number of calories consumed should be correlated with daily activities. Optimum food at least 3 times a day. It should be a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When cooking, consider the weight of the components using a kitchen scale.

Vitamins and Minerals

The menu for an adult should be made taking into account the intake of not only the necessary calories, but also minerals and vitamins. The main source containing a large amount of vitamin components and fiber are vegetables and fruits.

In food products - meat, fish, cereals during heat treatment, most of the useful nutrients are reduced. Enrich your daily allowance by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, preparing salads, squeezing fresh juice.


By eating one banana every day, you will make up for the daily deficiency of most essential vitamins except ascorbic acid. In the absence of contraindications, consume one orange and a banana each day to saturate the body in beneficial components. For those who want to lose weight, this option is not suitable due to the high sugar content in the fruit. Calculate your daily calorie intake based on age, physical and occupational activity, and gender. Based on this parameter, break the daily calorie corridor by the number of meals. Any activity requires the expenditure of energy resources that the body receives with food.

Calculate the daily calorie content of breakfast, lunch, dinner and, snacks made from healthy dishes. Satisfy the body’s needs for proteins, carbohydrates, and fats with simple foods that are high in nutrients:

  • Fats - vegetable oils (olive, sunflower), meat, butter in limited quantities due to high-calorie content. You should not completely exclude the component from the diet, as it is necessary for the full operation of systems and organs.

  • Proteins - legumes, chicken, beef, vegetables. Bake, cook salads, vegetable stews. Protein material is needed by the body daily to maintain muscle.

  • Carbohydrates - a digestible type is more beneficial for the body. A source of healthy carbohydrate dishes is cereals from any cereal, except semolina and white polished rice. For healthy nutrition, prepare cereal dishes and side dishes in the morning, as well as for lunch.

  • Fiber - vegetables and, fruits serve as a source of fiber necessary for effective digestion. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 500 g of various vegetable crops and 500 g of various fruits daily. Cellulose fibers serve as a vitamin dispenser. When passing through the digestive tract, beneficial substances are not lost in the stomach but are absorbed in the small intestine.

  • Vitamins and minerals - include vegetable salads, pure fruits, stew in the menu, bake vegetables with fish and vegetable crops. Make healthy snacks between the main meals, eat nuts, berries, fruits, and root crops. It is better to saturate the body with vitamin and mineral components from food.


Breakfast in the proper diet of an adult should be the most high-calorie one. It is optimal to include carbohydrates of long absorption, protein foods, fruits, and vegetables in the first intake. Prepare cereals in the morning from any cereals except semolina and rice. Semolina and rice have a high glycemic index, which adversely affects the production of insulin.


A balanced diet includes daily consumption of clean drinking water in a volume of 1.5 to 2.5 liters. This amount does not include teas, coffee, fruit drinks, soups, compotes. If you want to eat sweets, eat the product before noon. In the morning, the body actively processes food and produces energy. During the day, you will be able to burn excess calories through physical and work activities. Examples of products and breakfast dishes:

  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat, millet). If the corridor of calorie content allows, prepare dishes in milk, add no more than 5 g of butter

  • Hard-boiled eggs, omelets

  • Fruits (apples, bananas, kiwi, mango).

Be sure to drink clean water throughout the day. It has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, does not allow overeating and is an important component for the body’s metabolic reactions. Carbonated and mineral water is not suitable for these purposes. The optimal drinking regimen is 500 ml half an hour before breakfast and a glass of liquid 30 minutes before each meal, including before a snack.


To make a healthy meal, stick to a calorie of 500 kcal. The lunch meal should include carbohydrates (side dish, vegetables), proteins (boiled or baked meat, fish), sources of vitamins (fruit, vegetables).

The optimal scheme for lunch:

  • Soup (chicken or beef)

  • Bread

  • Vegetable salad or vegetable stew

  • Side dish (boiled buckwheat, pasta of hard varieties, brown rice, lentils)

  • A dish of meat or fish

During lunch, do not drink food with water. Drink tea, fruit drink or clean water no earlier than half an hour after dinner. This is necessary so as not to dilute the gastric juice.

Before going to bed

The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed. This will not overload the gastrointestinal tract and will not allow you to fall asleep with hunger. In the morning you can have a full breakfast with a good appetite.

According to the principles of proper nutrition, dinner should consist of protein foods and carbohydrates from vegetables.

  • Fish or lean meat

  • Vegetable stews or salads

  • omelets


If before bedtime you experience a strong feeling of hunger, it is permissible to eat a vegetable salad and a couple of apples. Do not eat carbohydrate dishes. The body processes all components into subcutaneous fat. Enrich your menu with products containing a large number of vitamins and minerals. If in the region of residence there is a shortage of products for any component, choose a vitamin supplement. Remember, an excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as a deficiency.

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