Things you can do to Beautify Your Skin
Proper skincare does not depend solely on the use of products, whether natural or not. Maintaining good habits is even more important than masks or creams.
Caring for and keeping the facial skin in good condition is not only relevant to aesthetics but also prevents the appearance of acne, infections, and injuries, which is why many people are turning to hemp cream for its soothing and healing properties. Consequently, it is highly recommended to follow the advice we will raise in this article.
Microneedling can be an excellent way to enhance your skin's appearance and reduce signs of aging.
Dr William Mooney answers some ambiguities about the skin and gives the tips to make our skin beautiful and healthy.
What is the skin?
The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It covers most of our body, protecting bones, muscles, ligaments and internal organs. It also serves as the first immune barrier against diseases from abroad.
Other functions of the skin include temperature regulation, thermal insulation, sweat excretion, control of fluid loss and tactile perception since this organ contains nerve endings that detect sensations such as pressure, vibration, heat or damage to body tissues.
The skin is formed by three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. The outer layer or epidermis protects us from infections, while the dermis dampens tension and shock. The hypodermis is an inner layer of fat, elastin and connective tissue that conserves heat.
How to care for and beautify the skin of the face?
Below you will find ten basic tips to care for and beautify the skin of the face and the rest of the body, mainly related to the acquisition of healthy habits. We hope you find them useful.
Many of the positive habits that we will mention are beneficial for the care of the face but also for the rest of the skin. They are also healthy globally, having multiple benefits for our body.
It is important to determine if our skin is oily, dry, mixed or normal before choosing the products and instruments that we will use, since the most appropriate skincare may vary depending on its characteristics.
1. Wash and hydrate frequently
It is recommended to wash your face and neck at least twice a day: once when you wake up and once before bedtime. If we have used makeup, we have to wash it twice if necessary to remove all the remains. It is better to use warm water because the hot one can dry the skin.
To dry, we can touch with a dry towel, although if the skin is a little damp, it will absorb the water and rehydrate, which has positive effects.
It is better to use a moisturizer after washing the skin, when it is still wet, at least twice a day. The type of product that suits us will depend on whether we have rather oily or dry skin.
It is recommended to use a light moisturizer during the summer and if our skin is oily. Also, hydrating is especially important for people with dry skin.
2. Exfoliate it every week
If we exfoliate the skin of the face once a week, we will give it a soft touch and eliminate dead cells. People with drier and more sensitive skin may exfoliate their faceless frequently.
The skin of the face is more delicate than that of most of the body, so we must use softer instruments to exfoliate it. Thus, it may be more advisable to use sponges than brushes, especially if our skin is very sensitive.
3. Wear natural masks
There are many types of masks with different properties: moisturizers, scrubs, cleansers... It is recommended to use them once or twice a week, preferably after exfoliating the skin.
4. Protect it from sunlight
Direct and excessive contact with the sun's ultraviolet rays can be harmful to skin cells, especially at noon and in summer, when the light is most intense.
The use of sunscreen or moisturizers that contain it can help prevent burns, blemishes and premature skin ageing.
5. Be careful with makeup
The most appropriate makeup depends on our skin type. It is recommended to use oily skin powder and cream makeup if it is dry. Makeup after applying day moisturizer.
It is very important to wash your face after using makeup. Also, be careful not to put on makeup at least one or two days a week for the skin to rest.
If we regularly wash the instruments we use for makeup, we can prevent the appearance of acne and other skin reactions to a greater extent.
It is highly recommended to avoid products that contain parabens, propylene glycol, phthalate and sodium lauryl sulfate since they are aggressive to the skin, especially if it is sensitive.
6. Sleep between 7 and 9 hours a day
Sleeping properly on a regular basis prevents the appearance of wrinkles, dark circles and swelling of the eyelids. Restful sleep can also reduce these aesthetic problems when they have already developed, improving the appearance of the skin, as well as being beneficial to health globally.
7. Eat a healthy diet
Artificial trans fats and refined carbohydrates and sugars age the skin. We should preferably eat foods with healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fatty acids and omega 3, found in bluefish or almonds.
Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and antioxidants with beneficial effects on the skin and the body in general. To take care of the skin, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, tomatoes, avocados and carrots, among others, are especially good.
On the other hand, if we consume little water, our skin can dry out, and it is easier for acne to appear, so it is advisable to drink about eight glasses a day.
8. Exercise regularly
People who exercise regularly improve their health in many ways. It is recommended to do moderate physical activity for about five days a week for at least half an hour.
Exercise helps oxygen and other nutrients reach the skin because it improves blood flow. In addition, by sweating, we eliminate toxins from the skin, cleaning it of impurities.
9. Reduce stress
Stress consists of a continuous physiological activation that modifies the functioning and natural rhythms of our body. In addition to being an unpleasant experience, if it is maintained in the long term, it depresses our immune system, making us sick more easily, and increases the risk of heart problems. In addition, stress can cause acne, rashes, inflammation, and scaling of the skin, among other disorders.
10. Avoid tobacco
Smoking not only increases the risk of contracting respiratory, coronary diseases and cancer but also dries the skin and can cause severe acne problems. Tobacco is harmful to collagen and elastin, which provide resistance and elasticity to tissues, respectively.
Regular exercise reduces stress levels. In this sense, it is not necessary to be very intense, just enough to relax. Two very effective techniques to relieve stress are progressive muscle relaxation and slow and deep breathing. Meditation or yoga can be equally effective in relaxing the mind and body, depending on the person.