Can Myotherapy Help You?
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Myotherapy is one of several forms of physical therapy designed to either treat or prevent pain in the soft tissue, as well as restricted joint movement caused by various muscle dysfunctions. If you’ve started to look for myotherapy in Melbourne, it could well be that you’re in need of relief from myofascial pain, perhaps as a supplemental therapy to ongoing medical treatment.
A typical myotherapy session usually involves using trigger point therapy, massage and similar physical therapy techniques with the aim of repairing both your muscles and your skeletal structures. Treatment plans can involve massage, cupping therapy, dry needling, hot and cold therapy, trigger point therapy, posture-correction exercises, and more.
So how do you know if myotherapy might serve you in your quest for relief?
Using Myotherapy for Pain Relief
Sufferers of both acute and chronic pain can find some much-needed relief in working with a trained myotherapist. The cause of your pain could be old age, or perhaps the lasting result of a sports injury, or something else, the principle remains the same, which is to use the various techniques described above to restore the proper integrity of your soft tissue, muscles, joints and skeletal structures.
As a supplement to regular medical treatment for such injuries and problems, myotherapy can indeed provide significant relief for those in pain. What’s more, it’s a great option for those in pain who are looking or hoping to avoid overly relying on harsh pain killers and would like alternatives to support their pain relief day to day.
Using Myotherapy for Relief of Stress and Anxiety
An important underlying principle of myotherapy, as with many alternative medical approaches, is taking a more holistic view of one’s health. Acute and chronic pain can be exacerbated and prolonged when the sufferer is also subject to extreme stress and anxiety. Even if the pain itself isn’t greater, it can at least feel greater to the recipient when it’s mixed with these kinds of mental health issues.
The massage techniques used within myotherapy in particular are known to have a very positive side effect on stress, helping to reduce it as the myofascial pain also starts to melt away. In some ways, it’s like removing one of the cruxes of a vicious cycle. The pain fuels the anxiety, which makes the pain seem worse, which grows the anxiety, and so on. Therefore, myotherapy to treat physical pain has the added effect of reducing the stress and anxiety that fuel it.
Using Myotherapy to Help Recover from Sports Injuries
Australia is a sports-loving nation, and many of the sports we love are high-contact and high-aggression sports such as rugby and Aussie Rules. Even the non-aggressive sports we love such as swimming, surfing, and tennis can easily end in injury, however, and myotherapy can be an excellent supplemental treatment to help athletes recover and either get back into the sports they love, or at least go on with their lives without all the pain that goes with certain injuries.
Myotherapists can use their knowledge and skills to assess the extent of muscle damage and joint restriction and work to restore it back to normal. Myotherapy is also increasingly used not as a reactive method to treat sports injuries, but as a preventative measure to help stop them from happening in the first place. Restoring muscles and other soft tissue back to proper equilibrium after exertion is a great way to ensure the body is ready for the stresses of another sports event coming later in the calendar.
Using Myotherapy to Help During Pregnancy
Finally, myotherapy can also be used to help expecting mothers gain relief from sore muscles, general aches and pains, not to mention hormonally driven problems such as mood swings. Pregnancy often means certain medications are restricted to women, leaving myotherapy and similar alternatives as attractive options.