Quick Tips to Renovate Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important places in your house. It’s where you are going to host a wide variety of different tasks, therefore, it should always look good and clean. When it comes to designing your kitchen, you have to carry out wide research and look for different options and select a design that is thoughtful and appealing as well. If you are someone who is already planning to renovate their kitchen, below are some tips that will surely help you out.
Go for Wide Walkways
When designing your kitchen, make sure that it has plenty of room between the island and the cabinetry to move through space without any difficulty. All the paths in the kitchen should be at a minimum of 38 inches wide. If your kitchen is going to accommodate one cook, then the aisles within the cooking area should be at least 40 inches wide. If it’s a two-cook kitchen, the paths should be at least 50 inches wide.
Make Sure the Corners are Clear
You have to pay special attention to the corners when making a decision about where to place appliances and cabinetry stuff. The plan should be to make the cabinets fully functional, and for that, you have to plan the space for the door’s clearance. Just be sure that the doors don’t bump into each other when opened and also keep all the appliances away from the corners. You can also make more room in the pantry and maximize the space by best pull out pantry shelves ideas.
Go for the Right Microwave Height
It often happens that the microwave is either placed too high or too low that it becomes very difficult to use it at times. If you have children in the house who use the microwave, go for a below-countertop setup. If you don’t have kids in the house who use the microwave, go for at least 12 inches in height.
Make Recycling Easier
To make sorting easy for yourself, you have to plan spots for waste accordingly. You need to have separate containers for metal, glass, and plastic. This is going to ease up the work for you and you can easily discard different materials at any time without sorting them up. You can also consider allocating a separate drawer to the newspapers and other waste papers which could be recycled later.
Double the Kitchen Appliances
If you belong to a large family and have extensive cooking activities, you should consider doubling up the appliances you use the most. This will help to spread the workload and the kitchen will look neat and clean. If you have a mainstream fridge, you can consider getting a smaller fridge and place it on the side of the kitchen.
By following the above-mentioned tips, you can make sure that your kitchen looks wider than it really is.