The Times Real Estate


The Buff Beacon - Removing the Obstacles Between You and Your Fitness Dreams

  • Written by News Company

There are always going to be things that get in the way of you and your fitness goals. If it’s not one thing, it’ll be another, and postponing fitness goals until you have ‘more time’ or ‘thing have quietened down’ is just a form of procrastination. Something will always take the place of the last important obstacle that was preventing you from reaching those goals. So really, it’s all just a mind-set. When you really decide that you want it, that is when things will start to happen. An element of inner peace comes from completing goals that you’ve set out to achieve. So, make the goals manageable, clearly visible, and achievable.




Setting goals and getting pumped up about achieving them is fun but amounts to nothing if you don’t follow through with action on those goals. You need structure to your dreams. You also need achievable stepping stones along the way so that you are regularly ticking boxes and making visible progress. Make your goal tangible, keep it within reach by creating a plan of how to get there. Using Google Maps to drive to a holiday destination makes the trip much easier, less stressful and takes half the time that driving around, following your nose would take.




Whether you’re already a member of a gym, about to sign up, or you are setting up at home with some equipment, you need to have a well-researched workout plan. This is going to vary depending on your goals and prior exercise history, but whether you’re starting fresh or trying to push yourself to the next level after years of working out, getting your program right will make a big difference towards the achievement of your goals.


If you’re not already a member of a gym and have done very little resistance training in the past, don’t feel the need to jump straight into a membership. There are great workouts you can do at home using easy-to-store gym equipment such as resistance bands and/or a couple of kettlebells. A lot of beginners burn out quickly because they try to too much, too soon. Keep it simple, begin with manageable tasks and achievable goals to keep you motivated.


Meal Plans, Not Diets


If you’re going to achieve fitness goals, the most important thing you can do is to create a suitable meal plan for your goals. This doesn’t mean you have to eat the same foods day-in-day-out, but you have to remain consistent and only stock your fridge and pantry with foods that are going to help you achieve your goals. Working out is great, it will make you feel good and you will notice big results from the training you are doing, but the real results are going to come in the kitchen.


A strict meal plan will help you achieve your goals relatively quickly and in a healthy way. There are plenty of resources out there for finding optimal meal plans, so shop around and do your research and find the one that will work for you and your body. There will also be a period of trial and error as you find out what works for your body and how you respond to different meal plans. It’s all part of the process, and don’t assume that muscle building equals eating meat. What you don’t want to do is fall for quick-fix diets and fat-loss shakes and all of those gimmicks that don’t work, or at least aren’t realistically maintainable or in any way healthy. Eat clean, eat green.


Finally, be patient. Our modern culture demands immediate gratification and instant results. Dreams take time. It can help to think of it this way – consider how long it has taken you to reach the shape you are currently in, and then set a realistic time-frame in order to reach your goal. Fitness models have been building themselves for years, so don’t look to them for short-cuts.


It will take time, but the achievement of that goal will be worth it and will build a belief inside of yourself that you can achieve anything. Getting into great shape takes hard-work and self-discipline that all falls back to you and no-one else. It will be your achievement and it will prove just how capable you are.