What's so important about a hair treatment?
- Written by Cara Barilla, Educational columnist and journalist
In today's society we are constantly going through the pressures of having to look nice before heading to a special event. This includes getting a fresh hair colour whether it's foils or a tint, usage if the hairstyler, hairdryer, curling iron, tongs, hairsprays, lacquers and teasing.
As the night progresses we are surrounded by cigarette smoke, air conditioning, and consuming alcohol.
The process of hair growth supports the growth pattern that we look after our internal and exterior. Including ingesting the right meals, drinking enough water, sustaining a healthy balanced diet thus preventing bodily pressure and stress.
When things don't turn out right and your body slopes to an imbalance whether it's temporary or long term we will ALWAYS see it show through in our hair skin and nails. This lifestyle can also cause premature baldness.
It's important to bring back the nutrients and natural supplements which you lose when living in an imbalanced lifestyle.
Applying natural sources such as fresh macadamia hair treatment oils, Argan hair oils, Moroccan hair thickening oil, coconut infusedĀ hair oils can easily help treat damaged hair skin and scalp.
It's very useful that a strengthening treatment such as a protein based treatment and a scalp stimulating shampoo is always in your bathroom cabinet so you can apply it as an everyday ritual.
This will help produce faster hair production by stimulating the scalp.
While the treatments are intensely working from the outside in, it's your job to eat right, drink plenty of water and surround yourself in a toxic and stress free environment!
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