The Times Real Estate


Dr Laith Barnouti : Snapchat should be banned in all operating theatres

According to leading specialist plastic surgeon Dr Laith Barnouti, highly regarded for his work in the field of cosmetic surgery, the use of Snapchat or other alternative instant messaging Apps should be banned from use in operating theatres. 


Several health service providers including Westmead Private Hospital have recently made the decision to ban the use of social media filming and photography.


“I agree with this move.  The use of Snapchat and other similar Apps during surgery should be banned,” Dr Barnouti said today.


“I applaud and fully support this move.   We need a total blanket ban on the use of Snapchat during medical procedures.


“If a surgeon is using Snapchat during surgery, it means they are downing tools, halting their work to pick up a phone and take images in the operating theatre, while a patient is lying on the table.  This is not only unethical but interfering with the progress of the surgery.  


“It could seriously compromise the outcome of the surgery and it is a distraction for the surgeon.


“Surgeons should be focusing on the health and welfare of their patient, not thinking about sending Snapchat messages in the middle of a complex operation.


“The patient isn’t able to give their consent to a picture being taken while under general anaesthetic.


“The other issue is that phones and other mobile devices are contaminated with all sorts of germs and bacteria.   In fact, they have been found to hold more bacteria than the average public toilet.


“I engage in the use of social media before and after operations with the consent of my patients where there is a benefit in sharing and celebrating the outcome, but I absolutely don’t agree with using Apps to share photos during operations.   This is unethical and should be banned completely.


“There are many surgeons that are doing it and it is creating unnecessary risk.  


“More needs to be done to ban the use of Snapchat and other similar Apps in operating theatres. 


“The Government and associated health bodies need to develop a blanket ban and impose fines for any doctors and professionals using Snapchat and other Apps during operations.


“We urgently need this for safety and ethical reasons.”