Muddled Maternity - 6 Tips For Getting Through the Confusion of Early Parenthood

Parenthood is a difficult and constantly changing experience. You have to be adaptable and learn to trust your parenting instincts. There’s no such thing as smooth sailing when it comes to parenthood, but there are some things you can do to weather the various storms that come your way.
Keeping the communication lines open with your partner is one of the best ways to keep the seas calm. Parenting can be difficult, and voicing your concerns and issues is the best way to keep from small things building into big arguments.
Do your best to prepare for each stage of your child’s growth. If you have friends with older children then use that resource and get as many hand me downs as possible. Alternatively, have a browse on the internet or visit a Melbourne baby shop to stay on top of your baby’s ever-changing needs. Converting from a pram to a smaller and more lightweight and easily folded stroller is one great way to make life easier for both of you.
Don’t be Afraid of Spoiling Your Baby
Toddlers need clear boundaries, but don’t be afraid of spoiling your baby. There are plenty of cultures around the world whose mother’s carry their babies everywhere and sleep in the same bed at night. The western system of allowing a baby to cry itself to sleep might work for some people but it is far from being a requirement of parenting.
If holding your baby and allowing your baby to sleep in the same bed with you makes your life easier, then do it. When it comes down to it, there are no set rules. Different things work for different people, so find your own groove.
Keep Time For Yourself
Be sure to allocate some ‘me’ time each week, or even each day if possible. You are going to need it. Take time out to do something completely for yourself and by yourself. Set it aside and don’t let anything or anyone encroach upon it.
It’s important that you remain rigid in looking out for yourself and keeping your own sense of self. Use the time to get creative, enjoy a hobby, read a book, or to take yourself on a personal date to a gallery, movie or whatever else might strike your fancy.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help
Don’t be afraid to ask for advice or help, whether it’s your mother, mother-in-law, siblings, doctor, or next door neighbour, talk to mothers and fathers who have been there and done it all before. Just like reading blogs and articles helps you gain an insight into hints and tips, talking to parents who have weathered to storm can be hugely beneficial.
Some people might be more than a little cynical and make you feel anxious about the whole experience. It’s best just to avoid them as much as possible, and approach parenthood in a positive light.
Remember to Laugh
Parenting should be a fun experience. Don’t let yourself get caught up in trying to do things ‘right’ or ensure everything is perfect. Enjoy all the mishaps and accidents along the way. If things go wrong, because they always will, laugh it off.
It’s not easy, but it’s the most rewarding challenge you will ever face in your life. Do your best, ask for help, trust your instincts and enjoy the ride.