How to Improve the Performance of Your Business Blog

Business blogging has become massively popular in recent days. In fact, experts say that it is the core of every online marketing campaign. When done correctly, business blogging should establish authority, improve conversion rates and generate more sales leads. But are you doing it right? Check out this list of the best business blogs in Australia to see if you stack up. Once you’ve had a look, if you think your blog might need some work to measure up, then read on. You can integrate the following tips your blog to ensure that you reap the most from your content.
Use Compelling Headlines
Every time you come up with a heading for one of your posts, it is your duty to ascertain that they will catch the reader’s attention. Before you can publish the post, you want to do everything possible to make the headline more intriguing and engaging. Elissa from the Canvas Factory had this tip for us, “We saw a huge uplift in converting traffic from the blog when we started tweaking headlines based on keyword research and the words people were using to find our main site”. For instance, you can have that post about “The Best Way to Grow Your Online Business” into “5 Tips for Growing Your Online Business.
Link Your Previous Posts to the New Ones
Providing links to your previous work in your new posts is one way to make your content immortal says WP Dev Shed. Moreover, it is an excellent way to give more information on a topic. Additionally, your visitors will spend more time on your site and even share some of your old posts on social media.
Utilise Content Discovery Vehicles
Many bloggers struggle with ensuring that their previously created posts do not disappear from view. If you want your old posts to continue meeting the reader’s eye, you have to make them readily discoverable. To do this, you can utilise a “top posts” category or a “Start Here” menu feature o help you collate some of your best old posts to enhance their accessibility.
Use Social Media to Share your Previous Posts
Another excellent way to get the most out of your content is by sharing some of your best evergreen posts on social media. Evergreen content is that which never loses its capacity to provide value to the reader. If you consider it too much work, you can make use of sharing tools like Buffer.
Read Competitor blogs
The best way to learn what works is to see what other people in your space are doing. Read your competitors blogs and of course read well known business blogs to see what the real superstars are doing. Here is another list of top level business blogs to peruse.
Involve your Friends in the Process
The process of content creation can be fun when you let your friends help out. Give some of your colleagues the opportunity to contribute a post for your blog. Providing a link to their website is an excellent way of appealing to their interests and having them to help with your content needs. However, you should always remain vigilant to ensure that you only publish high-quality posts.
Provide a Clear Call to Action
A call to action is an indispensable tool that helps readers to react to a post. Therefore, whether you want to invite the readers to a webinar or a consultation, your call to action should focus solely on supporting your business’ goals. Refrain from using any advertising language, and ensure that though you do not include too many calls to actions, the one you put in the end is strong and clear.
Be Consistent
Consistency in your publishing schedule will keep your readers engaged and looking forward to your next post. For starters, you can commit to 1-2 every week and take a break when things get too busy. However, do not post one article today and wait two months till your next post.
Diversify your Content
Blog content can become monotonous when delivered in the same way every time. To keep your readers interested, try mixing up the types of posts, the formats and the media types as well.
Define the Blog’s role in your Sales
Do you know the part played by your blog in the sales process? What purpose do you want your content to serve? Is it to get visitors from social media? What’s next after that? It is imperative to have a clear document that explains where the blog fits in within the entire sales process.