How to Add a Pleasant Smell to Your Home

According to recent studies, humans can distinguish between 1 trillion different kinds of smells. Since our sense of smell is so distinct and can discriminate to such an extent, we can identify good and bad smells more easily. Heaving a pleasant odour does a lot for our olfactory senses, and this is especially true for our homes and their adjacent rooms. The way your house hits you with a scent when you step in is important to your nose. If it is a pleasant or bad smell, it will depend on your preference, but there is a general distinction. The issue is when the smell is bad or elicits and undesirable response. Scents in your home should make you feel calm and at peace, but if this is not the case, then you have a problem.
Whether you are thinking of using home sprays or home-cooked food to introduce pleasant smells in the home, depends on what you like entirely. The way your rooms smell often tells you how clean and well-kept they are. But sometimes a good fragrance requires effort, work, and a few tools. You can take quick and easy steps to guarantee a nice smelling home without losing your mind at the bad odour.
Keeping a Good Smelling Home: What to Do
There are some easy and quick ways you can ensure that your home will always smell good. To allow your home to bring in the fragrant and fresh smell that everyone enjoys, you do not have to go to expensive websites and empty your wallet. From DIYs to a few natural methods, there is no reason why you cannot have a good smelling living space. This will not only help you de-stress after a long and busy day but also gives you the chance to experiment with some fun new activities. These all go hand in hand for benefiting your household, so take advantage of these tips as much as you can.
Identifying the Bad Smell
The first step to take is locating the bad smell around your home. Whenever you notice that a room is having an unpleasant miasma, you have to make sure to deal with it immediately. And if a certain section of the house is having long term problems, it is good to consult with a professional and get it fixed urgently. Bad smells can also have adverse effects on your health and the overall structure of your home, so it is better always to locate these issues before any bigger problems arise. Allowing this to overpower your space is a bad idea, so tackle it accordingly.
Opening Your Windows
Often in the wintertime, we leave our windows shut to avoid cold air from coming inside. This may be a good way to stay warm, but it is a bad idea in the long run. There will be no solution to any fresh air coming in or the bad smells going out of your home. Fresh air is needed to keep your home fragrant and bearable so open your windows once in a while to distil the odour. This will also reduce the toxins in your home and give a better space for your family to breathe and relax.
Home Sprays
One of the best tips you can follow is using fresh home sprays for healthy living. Instead of using harsh chemical air fresheners, you can instead go for an oil spritz. These allow your home to have a natural smell which will last for a long time. And the easiest way to make this fragrance stay is to spray it on your couches and other fabric like materials.
Potpourri on the Stove
While a lot of people only do this around the holidays, it is known that potpourri is a great smelling tactic to employ all year round. You can fit a pot with water and add an assortment of apples, lemons, oranges, and cloves which can simmer on the stove for a while. This DIY technique will ensure that your home has a great scent that never goes away.
Clean Out Your Garbage
Sometimes the bad smell is coming from nothing else but your garbage. Gather your trash cans that have any peels and throw them away. You can even add in new bags with scented covers for maximum fragrances. Who knew that the garbage disposal could act as a free deodorant!
Scent Filled Jars
Although similar to the stove simmer, you can go for the easier option of a mason jar. You can add warm water and cinnamon sticks to an old mason jar and make your house smell minty fresh. This is the perfect solution for a year-long fragrance.
Get Rid of Moisture
A lot of bad odours in the home come from moisture and humidity. You could get a diffuser and test out your rooms and if they are too humid, use a dehumidifier. Start with getting one, and if it works, then you choose a couple for all your rooms.
Cook Something Delicious
Not all food smells will be unpleasant or bad. Sometimes when you cook, there is always a wonderful fragrance wafting around the home. The trick to cooking fresh, home-cooked food is steering away from greasy types. Instead, you can bake cookies or bread, or even sautéing fresh rosemary. The warm and sweet smell will leave your home feeling nice and fresh, no matter how long it has been since you cooked.
Scented Candles
You can never go wrong with a good scented candle. These will not only add warmth to your home in the winter, but there are some great smells to choose from, you can opt for floral scents, or coffee ones depending on your tastes. Blueberry and apple pie scented candles will make sure your home smells like a dream all the time.
Fresh Flowers and Plants
One of the most basic and effective ways for a pleasant smell is using flowers and plants. You can pick some natural and good scented flowers from your garden or a nearby nursery and leave them in vases all around the home. Besides this, you can keep plants and water them daily for a clean and fresh odour. Roses and lilies are some great options to choose from when it comes to flowers, and for plants, you can go for a lemon or jasmine tree.
When you think about it, it is not hard to keep a pleasant odour in the home. All you have to do is take a few precautions and follow some simple steps. Whether you use flowers or home sprays, or even baking cookies, you have a lot to choose from. Whatever you do, your home will smell amazing throughout the year.