Tips for applying for an Australian partner visa

Love is great and being in love is one of the best feelings in the world. But love is also complicated, and it happens when we least expect it or in the weirdest ways. It would be great if we could just fall in love with the boy or girl next door and get on with things with minimal disruption. For many the realty is falling in love with somebody from a different country – it’s great for the gene pool but trickier for the family. It means that one partner has to relocate from their country of birth and there is a lot of paperwork and red tape that is involved. If you want to settle on a partner visa in Australia, then here are a few key things that you should know.
You don’t have to be married
Traditionally partner visas were for married couples, but the world has moved a long way n a short time and the reality these days is that you just need to be in a committed relationship. Marriage still counts and if you are married the proof required in the application is less onerous, but if you aren’t married you need to have been in a relationship for at least a year. A good idea if you want to find out what sort of proof is required and if your relationship qualifies is to find a partner visa migration agent Adelaide has plenty, so too Sydney and Perth and Hobart. The people who can advise you are out there, and if your love is genuine there should be no problem embarking on the process.
Money and love
It needs to be stared the cost of a partner visa to enter Australia is significant. Research shows that it is one of the most expensive visas of its type anywhere in the world. Regarded by many as a tax on love the thinking is that the charge can be high because love is an emotional consideration not a financial one. Whatever the motives, be prepared to fork out upwards of five thousand Australian Dollars is this is the visa that you want.
Be patient
Be prepared to play the waiting game with this. There is no legal limit to the number of partner visas that can be granted annually but the department that processes the applications has capacity issues and as such there are more applications received annually than there are people available to process them. This situation will presumably change at some point but for now it can take upwards of a year for your application to make it to the top of the pile.
Love is not the only qualifier
There is more to the partnership visa that just being in love or married. There are also health checks that have to be taken. The Australian government is very wary of granting visas to people who might end up being a burden to the health system and as such they are quick to deny applications if the medical element of the application is not passed.