Digital myths that you should completely ignore when you start on your SEO journey

Everywhere people look in this day and age, there seems to be some kind of heading that is trying to grab their attention. Most people understand that this is the case when it comes to the news and so will do their best to avoid news channels as well as newspapers. SEO Shark assists in building quality content for your business to attract visitors. What people may not realise, however, that these same shock tactics are used when it comes to online articles and content in order to try to get as many people to click as possible.
These shock tactics are even used in the world of digital media which means that people are likely to come across one or two articles talking about how search engine optimisation techniques are dead and that all internet users are doomed to rule under Google’s algorithms. The truth is, however, that things aren’t really this grim and people simply need to perform some research. To best help ensure that people are not sent down the wrong path, here are some digital myths that you should completely ignore when you start on your SEO journey.
One of the digital myths that you may hear when starting your SEO journey is that the blog is dead
One of the first things that people may find that they come across time and time again are articles that are dedicated to talking about how the blog is dead. While it is certainly true that blogs are no longer unique and that fewer people are reading them as they are now switching over to video content, this doesn’t mean that this still cannot be implemented as a form of SEO. Because of this, people should still absolutely put aside time in their schedule to create new written content for their site when they are starting on their SEO journey.
What people will likely find is that they will show up higher in search engine results when they do so and that they may even have a few people who do read their content and will become a customer or client in the long run. Furthermore, people are more likely to trust a brand if they can see that they have been created posts for quite some time. As it can clearly be seen, people should completely ignore scary articles that talk about how the blog is dead and people should instead focus on social media content.
One of the digital myths that you may hear when starting your SEO is that social media is where it is at
Another common misconception out there is that fact that people believe that social media platforms are where it is at. If any of these people bothered to talk to users of these social media platforms, then they would probably know that most are extremely dissatisfied and are wanting to leave. Most people under the age of forty have flocked away from Facebook due to its toxicity and constant bombardment of ads. Furthermore, most teenagers are not even signing up for Facebook and are instead opting for things such as Instagram and Snapchat.
Having said this, most people who do use these other types of platforms in order to avoid Facebook are still not happy with the functionality and ads. This means that more and more people are happy to read someone’s blog which is why it is still a form of SEO. In conclusion, things will always change but people should perform adequate research before they do anything drastic so that they can differentiate between gossip and gospel.