What You Need to Know : Stimulants Provigil and Nuvigil

We all want to be smarter. Ever since we were children, we either taught to be more physically active like being in sports or studying more and getting more intelligence (learn more about this here). There was no easy way to develop this skill as you really need to work hard for it. Also, there are people who are born with that kind of talent and they are considered prodigies. However, not all of us are lucky enough to have good genes like those. We need to make an effort in order to improve our own cognitive skills and be better in academics and logical thinking. Fortunately, children do have brains like sponges and any concept can be understood if explained enough.
However, as we grew older, you may notice that it became more difficult to retain information. Even though we try to read and study more, it seems that it is so much faster to forget. Our comprehension and logical thinking might have improved, but the retention is lacking. Focusing on one task is also getting even more challenging. There is a lot going on in our minds and most of these just affect the way we take in information. Instead of that new brick of knowledge, we are stuck all the rubble of our fears and sources of anxieties. As many of us are or were once students, you know the feeling.
This is why there are a lot of people who are into supplements that can help them with their cognition. Sometimes referred to as “nootropics”, these medicines were used just for anything related to the brain. Whether it is for memory improvement or critical thinking, there is an herb or medicine for that. Speaking of which, most of the nootropics introduced in the market are from plants – like the coffee bean! You can learn more about its nootropic properties here: https://medium.com/@davidpkirkpatrick/how-to-make-nootropic-coffee-that-powers-you-without-jitters-658f090a0e47. Bacopa monnieri and ginkgo biloba are just some of the more popular herbs. Coffee, to an extent, is considered as a nootropic because it has a lot of caffeine in it.
However, there are also medicines that were supposed to be used for other purposes and yet have found their ways into the nootropic world. For example, two of the more common ones these days are Provigil and Nuvigil. They are used to treat various disorders that are related to sleep. Some of the disorders that these two can help are shift work sleep disorder and narcolepsy. Now, though, these are the new alternatives to the common Adderall and Ritalin. However, these two have their differences.
Provigil VS Nuvigil
This is more commonly known by its generic name modafinil as this is also the active ingredient. For Nuvigil, it is better known as armodafinil. It does the same thing with Nuvigil as it can treat sleep disorders. Provigil can be taken orally in tablet form. However, they have different inactive ingredients which make up the rest of the tablet. Both of them also have the same effects as these are good for improving wakefulness and treating disorders like narcolepsy. This is the reason why they are popular amongst students; it’s even stronger than caffeine. It also improves concentration which is great if you have a lot of studies to do. Here is some more information about these drugs.
However, both of these drugs differ in their strength. Provigil has 100 mg to 200 mg of modafinil while Nuvigil has 50 to 200 mg of armodafinil. This means that you don’t have to take so much of the drug with Nuvigil. You can start slow and let your body acclimatize to the drug. However, if you are looking for extra strength, Provigil might be the one for you. Both of them do take effect in a similar time frame unless you have eaten something beforehand. However, you do need to eat before taking the drug so that it will not disturb your digestive system. Check this out for more info about modafinil: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a602016.html.
Now, it is very important to note that you can’t get both of these drugs without prescription. You may want to go to the internet and look for people selling them. Be careful though, as there are some who will sell counterfeit products which will not be good for you. Buy from credited sources so that you will be assured of its quality.