Hair Follicle Drug Testing Explained

So, you were asked to do a drug test? And here’s what you’re thinking. “Sure, in a couple of days, it will all be out of my system and I’ll have no issues”. I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Today, there are tests that can check for much longer periods than just a few days. I don’t know if you have heard about them yet, but they are rather popular. Check this out.
Oh, but I might be wrong. You might actually be an employer, or a medical expert, interested in how this works. It doesn’t really matter what side you are on, all the useful pieces of information stay the same. And I am guessing that you ended up here while researching the topic and combing the internet for those useful pieces of information.
So, let’s end the small talk and get to the point. You’re about to find out about hair follicle drug testing. Yes, you’ve heard that right – it’s a drug test done from your hair. And it is a really big deal today since everyone seems to be replacing urine checks with these ones. Don’t you think it’s high time you learned how this works? Let’s get started.
What Are Hair Follicle Drug Tests?
Simply put, this type of testing analyzes your hair shaft, rather than your saliva or your urine, to determine whether you have been abusing drugs. It’s becoming more popular than the urine option since you can’t really swap heads with someone else during the procedure. That might have sounded weird, but you get the point.
What’s more, in order for drugs not to show, you need to be clean for at least 90 days. That’s right – three months. Drugs stay on your follicles much more than in your urine. So, if you thought that a week would do it and get everything out of your system, you were wrong. Yet, some people claim to have found methods for passing a hair follicle drug test without waiting 90 days and if that’s what you need, you definitely want to check those methods out.
You’re probably thinking that cheating is pretty simple – you just shave your head and that’s about it. First of all, that’s far from being simple and some people would like to keep their hair. Secondly, there’s hair all over your body. So, good luck with that idea, I hope you don’t regret it afterward. The point is – if cheating is your intention, then you should really do some thorough research. Not that I recommend cheating, to be clear.
Now, I understand that there might be some concerns among people who don’t do drugs but spend time with friends who, say, smoke marijuana. This exposure to smoke definitely has an impact on you. However, the follicle check is not so easily fooled. It screens precisely for the metabolites that your body would produce if you ingested the drug. In other words, if you didn’t use it, you definitely won’t be positive.
What Do They Test For?
The next important question is which drugs can be revealed during this procedure. And the answer is simple. Every single drug that you ingest will stay on your hair. However, it all depends on what the specific test includes. And here’s what the standard one usually checks for:
Opiates (including morphine, heroin, codeine, etc.)
Keep in mind that this list is far from complete. So, don’t make the mistake of thinking that something that’s not on the list cannot be revealed. As I have already mentioned, it all depends on the specific test. Therefore, if you are using just about anything, there’s a 99% chance that it will be revealed. While on that topic, the accuracy of the test is also said to be 99%, but we’ll get to that later.
Here’s more useful info:
How Do They Work?
The whole process is rather simple. But, in case you don’t know how it is actually possible to detect drugs from hair, let me explain it. Naturally, your hair needs blood in order to grow and that blood comes from the root of the follicle. Here’s another thing you know – drugs go directly to your bloodstream, which means that the hair shaft will definitely pick them up.
However, this doesn’t mean that it is necessary to test the root of your hair. Here’s how it goes. A small amount of hair is cut from your head, as close to the skin as possible. Of course, if a person is bald, it can be cut from any part of the body. This sample is then taken to the lab and results are to be expected in a few days. It’s pretty simple, right?
An interesting fact is that traces of THC can be detected even if you used it a year ago. That’s a pretty large period of time if you ask me. But, don’t worry; if you have stopped a while ago, that will also be detected. Simply put, hair follicle drug tests can determine when someone actually stopped using, which is a big advantage they hold over urine tests.
Are They Accurate?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions regarding these examinations. As I have already said, they are said to be 99% accurate. Yet, as with any other test, there is definitely room for mistake and nobody can deny that. That’s probably why people are so determined to find a way around them. And that’s probably why such a way might even exist.
Still, despite all of the shortcomings, hair follicle drug tests are definitely to be trusted. Chances of them showing a wrong result are really, really small. Due to that, they are becoming increasingly popular and even replacing the standard blood and urine checks. And, not only do they show accurate results, but they also reveal a much, much longer user history. Depending on what side you are on, this can really be a big plus.