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High School Help - 4 Tips To Help You Shine In Your Senior Year

The final year of high school is pretty much guaranteed to be stressful. You're either completing your formal schooling and preparing to enter the full-time workforce, or you're trying to get the best marks possible to ensure you get into the university you're chasing. Either way, a little extra help will never go astray. That's why we've put together this list of tips to help you shine in your senior year.

Call In The Cavalry

No matter how efficiently you think you study, you can probably benefit from a little structured help. So, if you want to get the best results possible, it's a good idea to consider hiring a tutor. They've already been there, done that, and it's literally their job to help you get better marks. VCE English tutors are particularly valuable to your success as everyone is required to undertake at least some form of English during their VCE. This means it has a significant impact on your ATAR.

Have An Exam Plan

While it's important to have a study plan to help you stay on track throughout the year, an exam plan is even more vital for the health of your marks. Once your exam timetable has been released, work with your tutor to plan out the most effective way to revise everything before each exam. This will help you memorise key facts more easily and means you can avoid cramming (which is proven to be pretty bad for you).

Bonus points for this one if you create a mini exam plan for each SAC you'll have to do throughout your subjects as they're also important for your ATAR.

Rally The Troops

Just like a tutor, your friends can be a massive help while studying. Everyone learns in different ways which means you'll all have different perspectives on the content you've learned in class. Not only will looking at things in an alternative manner help you better absorb the information, but it could also help you grasp concepts you may have been struggling with. Plus, you'll probably be a lot more motivated to study if it means you get to also spend time with your friends.

Work Out

Exercise may seem like an odd suggestion in an article like this, but working out has been proven to be beneficial mentally as well as physically. Even half an hour a day can boost cognitive function, help you absorb and retain information more readily, and improve your mental health. If you find something you enjoy, you can also use your workout as a reward to boost your study motivation. These benefits mean that you will be far less stressed, which also boosts your ability to study efficiently. Then there’s the stress-relieving aspect of exercise, which will be a huge relief given the pressure most students are feeling right now.

Your senior year is undoubtedly going to be the hardest year of high school – there is a reason you work your way up to it over many years. However, if you look after yourself and manage your study load effectively, you can find yourself in a position where the best has been saved till last. The tips in this article were designed to ensure you have the best year possible, but everything is going to be subjective. At the end of the day, as long as your main goals are to enjoy yourself and do your absolute best, you'll shine all year long. Good luck.