The Times Real Estate


The Modern Aussie's Essential Gear for Household Quick-Fixes

Over the years, just about every homeowner eventually accrues a draw or box of gear that was promptly purchased for a quick fix. Much of the time, these items are put to one side and forgotten about, either due to their lack of overall utility or due to the purchase of a superior replacement.

To avoid the need to rush out and get a certain tool or risk buying something that doesn’t go beyond a single use, we’ve compiled an eight-part assortment of essential gear. Arranged into tools and quick-fix bits of gear, getting each of these items should give you strong coverage to tackle just about any household job short of requiring professional expertise.

Four Tools to Have at the Ready

Many people find themselves buying relatively cheap tools to do a single job and then wind up disappointed that it doesn’t quite work for the next one or, in many instances, doesn’t work at all. Being the go-to tool of anyone’s collection, you’ll want to make sure that you get a top-class screwdriver. So, to tick the box for a reliable electric screwdriver that can work any angle, it might be best to go for the five-in-one drill-drive system.

One of the more common problems to arise in any household tends to revolve around the plumbing. Even slight drips from pipes or the drop pressure can cause issues. For example, a bit of a leaky pipe can attract termites. For versatility in loosening and tightening, turn to a set of grip locking pliers for ultimate grip and torque. If it’s nuts and bolts that you need to tackle, grab the ratchet-socket combination tool adaption known as a ‘socket wrench.’

Finally, a lot of household work revolves around décor and making sure that, at the very least, everything is level. A standard level is fine, but you’ll often find that you need a long level to grasp the true alignment of a wall, frame, or to mark out fixings. These are cumbersome and often difficult to store, so grab a multipurpose laser level to make the process much easier.

Four Quick-fix Bits of Gear to Have in Stock

The majority of jobs around the home don’t need a power tool or an extensive timeframe to complete. Instead, a quick fix will often do the trick. Modern quick-fix products are greatly superior to what was on offer just a decade ago, with the finest example of this being the current range of super glue and adhesives that are available in Australia. From gluing the soles of shoes back on to durably filling gaps, there’s a glue to suit you.

Sometimes, you need a bit more coverage on structures that wouldn’t lend themselves to a few dabs of glue, such as brickwork or some plastics. For these breaks and cracks, heavy-duty, double-thick duct tape will do the trick. The duct tape of the past was always unreliable, but the modern stuff greatly expands what would be termed as ‘temporary’.

A final couple of bits of equipment to always have handy, and will regularly come in handy, are the utility knife and stud finder. Top of the range in the knife department right now has to be the new fat twin-bladed utility knife, which has a super-fast dull blade change feature. As for the stud finder, opt for one of the new creations in this sector, specifically, the magnetic stud finders with built-in levels.

There’re loads of innovative new products hitting the shelves all of the time to make household jobs that little bit more effective, but right now, these eight product types comprise the essentials for the modern Aussie.