5 Ways to Look Young after 50
- Written by NewsServices.com

As we advance in age, our body undergoes ageing processes that become evident through our skin and bodily functions. From genetics, lifestyle choices and diet to environmental pollution and occupational hazards, these factors determine the rate at which we experience signs of ageing.
After age 50, our body, mind and skin become more susceptible to conditions associated with advanced age. It is up to you to adopt practices that will help you to look and feel young even as you get older. Here are five tips for looking young after 50;
Keep Fit
Adequate exercise provides a lot of benefits and has been proven to improve our quality of life significantly. Physical and activity helps to promote cardiovascular health, ensure proper circulation, and improve cell metabolism. It’s also great for your mental health!
If you adopt a well-rounded fitness routine, your body will build more resistance to aging processes and keep your organs functioning optimally in your older age. Adequate blood circulation will also cause fewer appearances of lines, wrinkles and loose skin.
Start with low-intensity exercises like jogging or walking and gradually increase the intensity as your fitness level progresses. Thirty minutes of vigorous physical activity daily will do a lot of good for your body and health.
Take Care Of Your Skin
The skin is a major influencer of how old we are perceived to be. Hence, taking proper care of your skin, especially on the face, neck, arms and hands, can make people think you are younger than you are. The Ozderm Clinic in Sydney are leading consultants in medical and cosmetic treatments and ,masy also be able to advise you on what your options for maintaining and rejuvenating your skin.
Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. A skincare routine that includes vitamins C and E, retinol and hyaluronic acid will do your skin a lot of good.
There are cosmetic and surgical treatments that are tailored towards removing or reducing wrinkles, lines, liver spots, hyperpigmentation and loose skin. You can consult a dermatologist to get professional recommendations and treatments for your skin.
Reduce Stress Levels
Stress significantly contributes to the deterioration of our physical, emotional and mental health. We encounter numerous stressors during our day-to-day lives that can fast-track the effects of aging on our bodies.
After the hustle and bustle of daily living, you need to take time to relax and release all the accumulated stress. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to relax your mind and distress.
Take up an activity that helps to calm your mind and soothe your nerves. Reading, gardening, listening to music or taking a stroll around your neighbourhood can allow you to free your mind and exist in the moment.
Get Enough Sleep
Apart from being an excellent way to combat stress, adequate sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy body. Your body undertakes repair operations while you sleep, so inadequate sleep can significantly affect your state of health.
It is advisable to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day. You should also try to adhere to a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation before sleep to ensure optimum rest. Put off all mobile and electronic devices, switch off or dim your lights and put away any form of distractions.
A bedtime routine can also help you to combat insomnia and get enough rest. With adequate hours of restful sleep, you are well on your way to keeping your body healthy and reducing signs of ageing.
Eat Balanced Meals
Our food and water intake can have a significant impact on the rate at which we experience ageing. A diet consisting mainly of processed foods, saturated fats, and sugar can be detrimental to our physical health.
As you grow older, there is a reduction in the production of collagen and essential vitamins, and decreased cell metabolism. This leads to dry and loose skin, brittle bones, deteriorating organs and other issues associated with ageing.
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and healthy fats provides the body with the necessary nutrients for combating ageing. Adequate water intake can also help to keep the skin hydrated, soft and wrinkle-free.