Things To Know About Pre-Purchase Building And Pest Inspections

After working in the building and pest industries for many years, we have received inquiries concerning every aspect of a building and pest inspection. These inquiries are typically made by first-time homebuyers and with good reason. It's doubtful that you have ever had to arrange a building and pest inspection if you are new to the real estate market.
We'll walk you through every step of the property inspection and pest inspection procedure in this article.
Structure Issues
A complete property inspection and its skeleton gets carried out by qualified experts during a building inspection under AS4349.1. It will reveal any problems that could weaken the house and make it unsafe to live in: structural damage, shifting of the footings, and subpar construction.
It will reveal problems like structural deterioration, shifting of the footings, and subpar construction that could weaken the house and render it unsafe to occupy.
Plumbing and Drainage Problems
For a variety of reasons, drainage or plumbing issues are serious problems. Increased moisture levels can contribute to the onset of an insect or pest infestation in addition to being very expensive to treat and potentially resulting in thousands of dollars worth of damage. It may result in more damage and costly insect control measures.
Other Pests Termites
If the property you're buying has a history of termite infestation, the report from the building and wood pest inspection will show you. If so, it's crucial to get complete termite treatment done to stop the loss and damage that future infestations can create. You will get informed in the report of any termite damage already done to the property.
Is it required to have a building and pest inspection?
Normally yeah. A condition of acquisition typically stated in the contract of sale is a building and pest inspection. It indicates that you are making a building and pest inspection-independent real estate purchase. The goal of this clause is to safeguard you as the buyer by ensuring you are fully aware of the property's condition before acquisition.
As you would imagine, buyers might easily get duped into thinking their new property is in excellent shape to move in and discover that the place plagued with termites. It has unfortunately been a reality for some buyers in the past when they haven't done their homework and gotten a building and pest inspection.
Additionally, if the building has issues that need to fix, a building and pest report might provide the buyer with negotiating power. In most cases, the buyer and the seller can agree to have the repairs made by the vendor or to have the sale price reduced due to the necessary repairs.
What gets contained in a pest inspection report?
This inspection will result in a thorough report of the investigated locations, including details regarding past or existing pest activity, construction flaws contributing to pest problems, damaged areas, and other environmental concerns. It also offers suggestions for remedies and recommendations for upcoming inspections.
Depending on how well you care for your home, owning one may be a blessing or a curse. Make sure to look for a Tracy pest and termite inspection professional who can assist in establishing a secure and healthy environment for you and your family.