The Times Real Estate


Key steps before building a high-rise

People who like to travel the world are invariably impressed by big cities like New York, Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong. The big buildings and the incredible architecture that goes into creating them are awe inspiring and amazing and it is not surprising that developers and governments around the world are always looking to emulate these structural achievements that scream the words wealth and modernity. But building a skyscraper is not an easy under taking and the work that must go on behind the scenes before the project is even begun is extensive and complicated. Here are some things you probably never realised were happening, long before the foundations were even thrown.


Picking your spot

The bigger the building the more careful you need to be about where you put it. It is important that you make sure you know what the foundations will be built on. For this you need a geotechnical investigation Gold Coast or Sydney or Perth pr any major area will have qualified geological engineers available to perform this work. Essentially the experts analyse the soil and rock of the proposed sites through surface and subsurface sampling to ensure that there are not things like faults and slide planes.


Getting legal

Long before any actual building work commences the lawyers are already in action. Land is zoned for usage and typically it was zoned a long time ago. That means that if you want to build higher than the legislated maximum you need to get permission from all those who might be affected. You also need to make sure that the building you are looking to erect is zoned correctly. For example if you want to build an office tower in a residential area you will come in for some stick. So it is important to make sure that the legal side of things is taken care of before anything starts – because if it is not you might be forced to back-track and that could mean tearing things down – which is not something you want to do.


Environmental Impact Assessment

Any major development needs to be assessed for the potential impact that it will have on the environment. Typically scientists and environmentalists will be consulted and an impact assessment will be done. The team will look at factors like if there are any endemic animal or plant populations, what will the impact be on the wind patterns and will there be any concerns with regard to noise. They also look at how the finished product might impact animals – particularly birds, which are often killed by flying into large glass buildings.


Urban Planning Impact

Any big new building means traffic and people. Before plans are approved for a new building the local council will have to get its urban planning team together to look at things like the additional infrastructure that will be required to make sure that there is sufficient parking, sewage and water, open spaces and retail areas. If the entire area is not looked after to ensure comfort and access then the building is doomed to fail and to become an expensive white elephant.