The Times Real Estate


Get Rid of Insects Naturally

Although bugs are many, many times smaller than the average human, there is hardly any person who is not afraid of them. Some would say this fear is irrational, but considering that some species can be life-threatening, that is one good reason to be scared of them.

As seen on All Pest, many kinds of pests can reside in our home as uninvited and, above all, unwanted guests. Insects that can be life-threatening do not generally live in urban areas and in places where many people are.

However, this doesn't mean that we will try to domesticate the harmless. Anyone with insects in their home will want to get rid of them. There are many proven and efficient products on the market, but some people will rather opt for natural methods. Only this way, they can be said to be harmless to human health.

Know Your ‘Enemy’


To know how to treat insects in your home or yard, you need to know what you are dealing with. We all know to make a difference between ants from cockroaches, but there are still a large number of 'domestic' bugs such as termites, stink bugs, moths, bed bugs, and so on.

Manufacturers of insect treatment products must refine their formulas often. Over time, they become resistant to some ingredients, and the effectiveness of these products decreases. It's the same with home-made preparations. You will continuously need to find new ways to get rid of the bugs, as certain ingredients are universally applicable for all types of insects.

Stink Bugs


Although the smell these bugs emit is not poisonous, many people consider stink bugs deadly enemies. Fighting them should be persistent, as they are determined to spend the winter in your house. Prevention is crucial, as these insects reproduce at enormous speed and lay many, many eggs.

Read below how to get rid of this unpleasant odor:

Even though they get into the house, it is not impossible to get rid of them. Make a spray that instantly kills these bugs with one measure of detergent, two measures of vinegar, and three measures of warm water. Spray the mixture directly onto the insects. It may take some time, but their numbers will decrease after regular use of this preparation.

Beetles Destroying Furniture and Clothes


Moths, weevil, and even termites consider your clothes and furniture delicacies. Even with the best protection of wooden surfaces, weevils and termites can appear and cause considerable damage. For termites, the best solution is borax, a salt of boric acids. Its application is not harmful to humans and pets. Termites are pretty intelligent bugs, and you have to 'trick' them by mixing this white powder with powdered sugar and serve them.

And as termites emerge from the tree after they make a hole in it, the weevils stay inside the furniture. Commercial preparations are very toxic, so it is essential to find a 'healthier' replacement, especially if you have kids. One right way is to smoke the pieces of furniture where the weevil hid. Direct the smoke toward the cracks, and wait for the bug to suffocate.

Get rid of moths with natural repellents like mint, lavender, or basil. Pour these leaves with boiling water and make tea from these herbs. Cool it, pour it in a nebulizer and spray on things as often as possible. Moths on your clothes hate sudden changes in temperature - heat the clothing on the radiator and place it in the freezer several times. And when buying new clothes, use tips from this link to prevent moths.



Make something similar to a pesticide round form. Whisk raw egg yolks with 30-50 grams of boric acid powder. If you can't find in a powdery form, use a liquid acid. Just thicken it with some flour. Stir until form a dense mixture.

Make balls of this and allow them to dry on air. Put them in hidden places and corners, paying particular attention to the kitchen and bathroom. Don't forget the surfaces of shelves, closets, kitchen countertops, and everything above your eyes.

Nobody likes when bugs walk freely around the house and stuff. Spring and fall are the times when this problem should be solved. It is recommended that you leave the house a few hours after the intervention, regardless of the use of natural ingredients.