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3 First Aid Skills Every Aspiring Senior Home Health Aide Needs to Know

Most Australians prefer to live their golden years out at home, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Between 2017 and 2018, over 1.2 million people received aged care services either at home or in a similar community-based setting. This means that senior caregivers or home health aides are more in demand than ever, and that embarking on a career providing care to the elderly can be both lucrative and personally fulfilling.

Thinking of going into it? Below are the top 3 skills you must possess to become a competent senior home health aide:

Fall Injury Management & Prevention

At least 30% of all Australians over the age of 65 experience at least one fall per year, according to the Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society. Falls also account for 40% of injury-related fatalities and 1% of total deaths in the 85 and over age group. It is a major health issue that can cause debilitating pain and discomfort in elderly clients, further hindering freedom of movement and leading to an overall reduction in their quality of life.

Home health aides should know how to avoid falls and fall-related injuries when working with elderly clients. These can include working with the family in modifying certain fixtures of the home to improve safety and encouraging the client to exercise more, if their physical condition allows for it. Care providers should also know how to properly employ emergency interventions in the event that a client does suffer from a fall. These include accurately assessing for injuries, helping them to a more comfortable position, and calling for emergency services if necessary.


Knowing how to properly administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR is a required skill for anyone embarking on a career in any healthcare-related field. There are many recognised training organisations that award a first aid certificate in Brisbane to any individual who can successfully complete a training course.

There are special considerations to keep in mind when it comes to performing CPR on the elderly. The act of administering CPR itself can be a violent one; it requires strong enough chest compressions so that oxygenated blood can be pumped into the brain. Seniors typically have frail bodies and more brittle bones that are more prone to breakage when the necessary force is applied. Nevertheless, attending a full training course should still prove beneficial; first aid trainees are likely to learn techniques on how to properly deliver first aid and CPR without causing further harm to an elderly client.

Burn, Bruise, Cut and Wound Care

Next to fall-related injuries, the most common injuries that seniors can suffer while living at home are burns, cuts, and bruising. Elderly clients typically have more fragile and delicate skin as a natural result of aging. Even minor cuts and scrapes can take longer to heal, and chronic health conditions can lower the defences of the immune system, thereby increasing the risk of wounds becoming infected.

It’s crucial for any wounds or burns to be kept clean, dry, and covered to minimize the risk of infection. Any profuse bleeding should be appropriately managed with pressure or elevation if necessary. If the client complains of increased pain or if the health aide notices any redness, swelling or drainage seeping from the wound, it may have become infected and will need a physician’s attention. The health aide should take it upon themselves to ensure that their client follows the doctor’s prescribed treatment regimen until the wound fully heals.

In addition to these first aid skills, it is also crucial for senior home health aides to learn a variety of soft skills that can enable them to form rapport with their elderly clients and administer care more effectively. Having good communication and interpersonal skills, an eye for detail and organisation, and a positive attitude can all make the job easier to do. Do you think you have what it takes? Brush up on these essential skills today!