Lighting Lustre - 6 Unexpected Boons of Installing Skylights

If you have ever visited the Pantheon in Rome, you would have noticed that amongst all its greatness, there is a single opening in its ceiling which floods the entire volume with light. From Ancient Roman architecture to today’s modern renovations, skylights have always been a touch of luxury and class to any home or building.

Whether you just love the look of a skylight, or are looking to catch the gorgeous stream of afternoon sun in your home, there is always a reason to install a skylight in your home. In celebration of Skylights, the experts over at Belle Skylights have shared with us 6 unexpected boons of installing skylights, so do read on to find out more!

1. Skylights Help Save The Environment

When our power plants generate electricity for us to use in our homes and offices, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere. As we know, an excess of greenhouse gases can and currently does contribute to air pollution and climate changes that affect both humans and other creatures alike.

Using skylights instead of relying on artificial lights can help reduce our dependence on electricity. Skylights bring natural sunlight into rooms and do not require any energy to light your home up. A lower dependence on electricity equates to a positive impact on the environment, so do your part in saving the world by installing some skylights in your home today.

2. Increased Visual Appeal

If there is one thing we all have in common, it is that we all want to live in a beautiful home that we can proudly show off to friends and family. How do skylights help increase visual appeal in homes? Well, natural illumination is always the best type of lighting system that could be used in interior design.

Incorporating natural light into your home via even just a single skylight can help your home look more appealing to the eye, boost color, increase the definition of space and can also highlight the architectural details in your home.

3. Feeling Moody? Not Anymore!

Skylights in your home can increase your rate of Vitamin D absorption from the sun.
Vitamin D is essential to a healthy and happy life and can help boost your moods and ward off depression. People who do not receive enough sunlight or Vitamin D tend to be affected by disorders such as
Seasonal Depression due to a lack of Vitamin D.

Furthermore, natural light can also help alleviate stress and increase positive feelings, giving you a better sense of well being and helping in increasing productivity.

4. Skylights Help You Maintain A Sense Of Privacy

Privacy probably isn’t the first thought that comes to mind when you’ve decided to install skylights - but think about it...large windows in areas such as the bathroom or living room can give neighbours a clear glimpse into the most private parts of your home. With a skylight, you eliminate this problem as they are installed in your ceiling or roof. Unless your neighbour is Santa Claus, you can be sure that no one is peeking into your home.

5. Reduction Of Mould and Mildew

You may not know this, but many ailments and diseases, especially issues such as chronic respiratory problems, are all too often associated with bacterial and fungal buildup in damp areas of your home. This is certainly the case in areas such as basements and bathrooms that don’t have exposure to natural light.

Thus, installing a skylight can naturally reduce the production of harmful organisms in your home as it introduces sunlight into these dull and dark places. What’s best? Sunlight is actually considered to be one of the best natural disinfectants, so it’s a win-win situation all around!

6. Help You See Better

Last, but certainly not least, installing skylights helps you see a million times better in your home. As we age, we require more light to see things clearly. By bringing in an abundance of natural light into your home, you’ll never get a headache reading the newspaper or have to squint and decipher what ingredients are in your favourite tin of soup.

With all the positive that a skylight can bring into your home and life, we can’t see a better reason to take that leap of faith and get them installed in your home. Not only are Skylights an aesthetic investment, they also ensure the happiness and health of both you and your family members, so get on it today!

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