A Few Ways Stickers Can Cleverly Be Used To Promote Your Business

Stickers can certainly have a kitschy vibe for some businesses, but dismissing them can mean that some valuable promotional avenues are not being taken advantage of. Stickers aren’t just about gold stars and unicorns – using the right design can get people to really talk about and embrace your business, and the relatively small cost of entry and versatility of stickers mean they’re a fantastic option for most businesses out there. In this article, we take a look at how stickers can be invaluable for promoting your business, no matter what stage you’re currently at.
Why custom stickers might be a good choice for you
If you’re unsure about how cheap custom stickers can work for you, there’s a good chance you haven’t had a positive sticker experience as of yet. If this is the case with you, one of the best things you can do to get onto the sticker train is to use branded stickers as swag. This might mean you put your stickers in the shopping bags of customers when they buy something from you, give them away at special events, or collaborate with some other businesses to have your stickers on the counter. Then, if you have a well-designed sticker, there’s a good chance people will apply them on their personal items, such as laptops, for some very effective free advertising! Stickers don’t just have to be given out – if you have a lot of glass to make use of in your storefront, consider applying some interesting stickers to help quickly give pedestrians some juicy information as they walk by. If they like the sound of what you’re showing off, whether it be any recent sales, events, social media info, or even just your Wi-Fi.
Sticker placement can go a long way
Stickers are an excellent way to turn otherwise boring plastic or boxed packaging of your products into branded pieces, which can make an otherwise boring and generic item look a lot more fun, memorable and personalised. Stickers can also be placed on items around your store, or even your own personal belongings, whether this means your laptop or things like tables, the cash register or even bins that might be located around the store. This way, everything gets to be a part of your brand, and it can help make otherwise drab things look a bit more exciting. Although not necessarily the same adhesive product, iron on transfers can function in the same way as stickers by being able to be applied to plain things like uniforms, hats and t-shirts and can be an excellent focal point for potential customers who greet you or your staff.
Convinced about the versatility of stickers?
It should be clear that stickers can be used to promote a brand in a significant amount of ways, which means that it’s often about the what you need that determines how stickers are used. Working out how to design and use stickers can take some practice for some businesses, but their impressive affordability means that experimenting will hardly break the bank – in fact, there’s a good chance you’ll stumble upon something unexpected that works surprisingly well for your business!